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Everyone Is a Little Bit Macbeth and a Little Hamlet     Mankind has always made an effort to understand and explain themselves and the world. Art and theater in particular have been the most important assistants of humankind throughout this effort. Theatrical works expand our knowledge of ourselves and life through tragedy characters such as Macbeth and Hamlet, while also confronting us with our own selves. I admit that it is a bit difficult to deal with the thirty-four plays of Shakespeare, who is the great theater writer of not only English literature, but also all world literature. Today I will talk about Hamlet's mother and his relationship with Ophelia in the first part of my article. In the second part, I will share some thoughts about Macbeth in terms of a tragic incident.     Unlike many theatrical writers, people in Shakespeare's plays can in no way be the spokesperson for Shakespeare. The characters created by Shakespeare have no relation to his self, his philosophy of life, his thoughts, his feelings. Their characters have their own unique self, philosophy of life, feelings and thoughts. As they talk, Shakespeare who created them, is silent. Also, Shakespeare successfully combines humorous and painful scenes in our daily life. After Macbeth and his wife killed Duncan, a drunken doorman was funny when he let guests in, and the gravedigger joked with Hamlet while digging Ophelia's grave are two best examples. When we read the works, such contrasts are certainly not odd because Shakespeare is both a great tragedian and a great comedy writer. Tragedy emerges from people's specific flaws or weaknesses. For example, if Hamlet were a young man who could make quick decisions and act immediately, he would avenge his father without any disaster happening to him. If Macbeth was too strong to be influenced by the witches and his wife, he would not have killed anyone. I mean that in the great tragedies of Shakespeare, the destiny of man comes only from his personality. ‘Character is destiny’ is a motto for him. I want to talk about Hamlet in a little more detail. Hamlet is a thought tragedy. This tragedy of thought is not caused by the circumstances in which Hamlet is located, but directly by Hamlet's own personality. This personality is subject to different interpretations contrary to each other, it is never clearly understood, it always remains mysterious. His delay to avenge his father, his occasional madness, how much he loves Ophelia, and his relationship with his mother are some of the fundamental mysteries in Hamlet. Hamlet's relationship is very complicated with his mother. He hates her too much for marrying the brother of her husband and even calls her "weak" because Claudius lures her easily. Nevertheless, when Hamlet confronts her after he kills Polonius, he actually wants her to change into the respected woman he thinks Gertrude should be which means he still cares for her. I would characterize the relationship between Hamlet and his mother as a weak but sad relationship. Instead of concentrating on her son, Gertrude preferred to concentrate on the role of becoming a queen. She simply decided to marry her husband's brother, who took the place of the king, after the king died. So she can no longer take care of her son because she took the place of a queen, which means she only had to watch Hamlet go mad, having an obsession with vengeance. That sounds sad, but it also says that Gertrude is ambitious, too. Also, Hamlet can't believe her mom, and thinks she's poor. Therefore it is apparent that their relationships are not as successful as their traditional mother and son. On the other hand, there is a bias in Hamlet because of the thought that his mother is not worth Hamlet. He reaches the level of hating the girl who really loves him, Ophelia. He was still in love with her, despite the fact that Hamlet lied and used Ophelia for the benefit of himself. We notice a dramatic difference from beginning to end in the play, in terms of Hamlet's relationship with Ophelia. We see Hamlet having feelings for Ophelia at the beginning of the play, but then we see him talking to Ophelia and starting to refuse his feelings for her. In the middle of the play, as Ophelia starts to go mad, we see Hamlet writing love letters to Ophelia. She recalls Valentine's Day and how Hamlet deceived her. When Hamlet learns that Ophelia is dead, we discover that Hamlet was still in love with Ophelia at the end of the play. In addition, with Ophelia, he can not be frank as he must know of her loyalty to her father Polonius and have to preserve his mask of madness.      In coclusion, It just means’ it's not worth trying ' to kill yourself. Undoubtedly, living is never easy. We keep doing something because of many reasons for life, habit is the first of these reasons. To die willingly requires instinctively embracing the ridiculousness of this habit, that there is no deep reason to live, the meaninglessness of this daily struggle, the futility of suffering. It is life itself that prepares the end of Hamlet and gnaws its inside, in fact, in some situations, all of us. Hamlet's relationship with Ophelia or her mother can be interpreted differently from person to person. The point to note is that Hamlet made his decisions in his own character. External factors cannot affect this character. Whatever Hamlet went through as a child, his character developed and evolved according to them.
HamletWilliam Shakespeare · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 202345,4bin okunma
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