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192 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
4/5 Stars (%80/100) This book was better than the previous volume. It starts with a fight and this can be considered to be Tanjiro's first main fight against such strong opponents. The art style and fight scenes are always brilliant in Demon Slayer. I especially love the creativity behind the breathing techniques. We also officially meet Agatsuma Zenitsu, the yellow-haired boy from the Final Selection. Without losing any more time, Tanjiro continues to fight demons. Kyogai is one of my favorite demons in the whole series with his super sad backstory as a writer and his technique is also super cool. Another interesting character is also introduced: Hashibira Inosuke. Perhaps the best thing about this volume was Tanjiro's behavior against Kyogai. He really is kind and has a super positive vibe. Overall, it was really good and much better than the previous one.
Demon Slayer, Vol. 3
Demon Slayer, Vol. 3Koyoharu Gotouge · VIZ Media · 2018459 okunma
57 görüntüleme
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