Binlerce yıl yaşayacakmışsın gibi davranma. Kaderin üzerinde asılı duruyor. Hala yaşıyorken, yaşayabiliyorken iyi biri ol. Don't act like you're going to live for thousands of years. Your fate hangs over you. While you're still alive, while you can, be a good person.
thoughts of Kyle Hunter about his wife, Rai Sokolov
It's been over twenty-seven years since I met her, but she still looks as breathtaking as when I first laid eyes on her. Elegant, majestic, and brutally demanding of my attention. This woman hasn't only changed my perspective about life from feeling unwanted to accomplished, but she's also been by my side through everything. The good, the bad, and the disgustingly ugly. We don't only love each other, we literally complete one another in ways I find hard to describe.
And I realize now, more than ever, that I have lost all my best years! And now I know it and feel it more painfully from recognizing that God has sent me you, my good angel, to tell me that and show it. Now that I sit beside you and talk to you it is strange for me to think of the future, for in the future—there is loneliness again, again this musty, useless life; and what shall I have to dream of when I have been so happy in reality beside you! En güzel yıllarını heba etmişim! Artık bunun farkındayım ve fark etmiş olmaktan acı duyuyorum, çünkü siz bana Tanrı yolladı iyilik meleğim benim, bana bunları kanıtlamak için yolladı. Şimdi yanınızda oturmuş sizinle konuşurken geleceğe korkuyla bakıyorum, çünkü gelecekte yine yalnızlık, yine o yavan, o gereksiz yaşam var; artık gerçekten de yanınızda oturup bu mutluluğu tattıktan sonra artık neyin hayalini kurayım!
Saga EgmontKitabı okudu
“I can believe things that are true and things that aren't true and I can believe things where nobody knows if they're true or not. I can believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and the Beatles and Marilyn Monroe and Elvis and Mister Ed. Listen - I believe that people are perfectable, that knowledge is infinite, that the world is
How about this one?
After I had spent three years in the company, I realized that as a prostitute I had been looked upon with more respect, and been valued more highly than all the female employees, myself included. In those days I lived in a house with a private toilet could enter it at any time, and lock the door on myself without anybody hurrying me. My body was never hemmed in by other podies in the bus, nor was it a prey to male organs pressing up against it from in front and behind. Its price was not cheap, and could not be paid for by a mere rise in salary, an invitation to dinner, a drive along the Nile in somebody's car. Nor was it considered the price I was supposed to pay in order to gain my director's good will, or avoid the chairman's anger.
“I mention all this to make the point that if you were designing an organism to look after life in our lonely cosmos, to monitor where it is going and keep a record of where it has been, you wouldn't choose human beings for the job. But here's an extremely salient point: we have been chosen, by fate or Providence or whatever you wish to
Constantine adopts the chi-rho , not the cross, as the emblem of the Christian god. Intriguingly, the chi-rho was not yet a Christian symbol when Constantine first uses it to decorate his labarum —it was more commonly employed by pagan scribes as an abbreviation for the Greek word chreston (“good”) in the margins of manuscripts to mark passages that they regarded as noteworthy or memorable. “Did the Emperor’s advisers suggest this clever abbreviation for ‘Christ’ (‘Chrestos’)?” muses historian Robin Lane Fox. “Like other symbols in the years after the conversion, it had a double meaning, one for pagans, one for Christians."
"Let's think this one through, he told himself. Don't run away, think. You're twenty-five years old, a good age to be thinking a bit."
Sayfa 115 - Kodansha International, Translated by Alfred Birnbaum
Episode : What we lack
Later - after the war was over and everything else was over too - Remus would wonder whether things might have gone differently if he and Sirius had left school then. Perhaps they could have kept each other closer, or by re- moving themselves they could have kept other people safer. Anyway. It didn't happen, and it did no good to dwell on. For years and years afterwards, once the agony of all those funerals and obi- tuaries and memorials and speeches had faded, Remus would be left with memories of his last months at Hog- warts.
How can we be more antifragile?
Step 1: Create redundancies Instead of having a single salary, try to find a way to make money from your hobbies, at other jobs, or by starting your own business. If you have only one salary, you might be left with nothing should your employer run into trouble, leaving you in a position of fragility. On the other hand, if you have several options
Women always same…
“ In those years women are expected to have weak opinions and domestic characteristics. Cooking, cleaning and raising children were good characteristics of a woman.”
Sayfa 4 - Beşir Kitabevi
The Blinds I moved to Philadelphia for some peace and quiet after New York City. After paying a week’s rent in a roominghouse, I walked down the street to look for the nearest bar. Half a block. I walked in and sat down. It was the poor part of town and the bar was fifty years old. You could smell the urine and shit of one-half a century wafting
Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If
Sayfa 44 - Max Ehrmann was an American attorney and poet who often wrote on spiritual themes. During his life, he contributed great thoughts to our literary lexicons, blending the magic of words and wisdom with his worthy observations.
İnsanların yap­tığı ve söylediği şeyler özellikle sevimsizse, kişisel olarak alma eği­liminden sıyrılmaya çalışmalısınız. Sizi eleştirmeleri ya da sizin çıkarlarınıza karşı davranışları çoğunlukla yeniden yaşadıkları çok derindeki acılarından kaynaklanır; yıllar içinde biriktirdikle­ri hayal kırıklıklarının ve kırgınlıkların hedefi oluverirsiniz. Eğer insanlara bu açıdan bakarsanız, tepki vermemenin, sinirlenme­menin, önemsiz bir çatışmaya katılmamanın daha kolay olduğu­nu görürsünüz. Eğer karşınızdaki kişi gerçekten kötü niyetliyse, duygusallaşmayarak en uygun karşı hamleyi planlamak için doğru bir konumda olursunuz. Böylece kendinizi acılar ve kötü duygular biriktirmekten korumuş olursunuz. If what people do and say is particularly unpleasant, you should try to avoid the tendency to take it personally. Their criticism of you or their behaviour against your interests often comes from deep-seated hurts that they are reliving; you become the target of disappointments and resentments that they have accumulated over the years. If you look at people from this point of view, you will find it easier not to react, not to get angry, not to get involved in a petty conflict. If the other person is really malicious, by not getting emotional you are in a good position to plan the most appropriate counter-attack. In this way you protect yourself from accumulating bitterness and bad feelings.
Sayfa 279 - Altın Kitaplar Yayınevi 1. BasımKitabı okuyor
Keep in mind that when we are upset, our blood pressure goes up, and when we feel comforted, it normalizes. During bereavement, we know that people’s average blood pressure rises, as compared to similar people who are not grieving. Sociologist Neal Krause at the University of Michigan has pointed out that when we are repeatedly upset about the loss of a loved one, religious beliefs and rituals may offer a soothing and effective way to help us cope. That soothing response should be visible in blood pressure and in rates of hypertension (high blood pressure that persists over time). Krause devised a clever study in which researchers interviewed older Japanese folks, some of whom had experienced the death of a loved one. Those who were bereaved and believed in a good afterlife did not develop hypertension three years later. They appeared to be protected by this belief. Interestingly, believing in a good afterlife did not predict less hypertension in older Japanese people who were not bereaved. This belief only predicted normal blood pressure for those who were dealing with the stress of bereavement, and who needed the soothing comfort of this knowledge.
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