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472 syf.
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My life is pretty much like this: I spent 11 months and 28 days of every year looking forward to the new John Grisham book and then 2-3 days devouring it. He is the master of the opening paragraph. Immediate hooks. Short sentences. You don't even notice his writing style after the first page or two but it's effortless to read. And there are many
ŞirketJohn Grisham · Remzi Kitabevi · 2009149 okunma
Finally! I wish she said this to Edmund directly.
She was almost vexed into displeasure and anger against Edmund. "There is no good in this delay," said she. "Why is not it settled? He is blinded, and nothing will open his eyes; nothing can, after having had truths before him so long in vain. He will marry her, and be poor and miserable. God grant that her influence do not make him cease to be respectable!" She looked over the letter again. "'So very fond of me!' 'tis nonsense all. She loves nobody but herself and her brother. Her friends leading her astray for years! She is quite as likely to have led them astray. They have all, perhaps, been corrupting one another; but if they are so much fonder of her than she is of them, she is the less likely to have been hurt, except by their flattery. 'The only woman in the world whom he could ever think of as a wife.' I firmly believe it. It is an attachment to govern his whole life. Accepted or refused, his heart is wedded to her for ever. 'The loss of Mary I must consider as comprehending the loss of Crawford and Fanny.' Edmund, you do not know me. The families would never be connected if you did not connect them! Oh! write, write. Finish it at once. Let there be an end of this suspense. Fix, commit, condemn yourself."
In recent years I had begun to be interested in fashion, to educate my taste under Adele's guidance, and now I enjoyed dressing up. But sometimes - especially when I had dressed not only to make a good impression in general, but for a man - preparing myself (this was the word) seemed to me to have something ridiculous about it. All that struggle, all that time spent camouflaging myself when I could be doing something else. The colors that suited me, the ones that didn't, the styles that made me look thinner, those that made me fatter, the cut that flattered me, the one that didn't. A lengthy, costly preparation. Reducing myself to a table set for the sexual appetite of the male, to a well-cooked dish to make his mouth water.
The only woman's body I had studied, with ever-increasing apprehension, was the lame body of my mother, and I had felt pressed, threatened by that image, and still feared that it would suddenly impose itself on mine. That day, instead, I saw clearly the mothers of the old neighborhood. They were nervous, they were acquiescent. They were silent, with tight lips and stooping shoulders, or they yelled terrible insults at the children who harassed them. Extremely thin, with hollow eyes and cheeks, they lugged shopping bags and small children who clung to their skirts and wanted to be picked up. And, good God, they were ten, at most twenty years older than me. Yet they appeared to have lost those feminine qualities that were so important to us girls and that we accentuated with clothes, with makeup. They had been consumed by the bodies of husbands, fathers, brothers, whom they ultimately came to resemble, because of their labors or the arrival of old age, of illness. When did that transformation begin? With housework? With pregnancies? With beatings?
Charlotte Cardin - Passive Aggressive youtu.be/6D9rWNynXLE " it took a week or two getting over you But i love myself too much To waste good years on bad love And you've been falling hard these days But it's not my job to save you..."
JESSIE: I’m going to kill myself, Mama. MAMA (returning to the sofa): Very funny. Very funny. JESSIE: I am. MAMA: You are not! Don’t even say such a thing, Jessie. JESSIE: How would you know if I didn’t say it? You want it to be a surprise? You’re lying in your bed or maybe you’re just brushing your teeth and you hear this… noise down the hall? MAMA: Kill yourself. JESSIE: Shoot myself. MAMA: It must be time for your medicine. JESSIE: Took it already. MAMA: What’s the matter with you? JESSIE: Not a thing. Feel fine. MAMA: You feel fine. You're just going to kill yourself. JESSIE: Waited until I felt good enough, in fact. MAMA: Don't make jokes, Jessie. I'm too old for jokes. JESSIE: It's not a joke, Mama. Mama, I know you used to ride the bus. Riding the bus and it's hot and bumpy and crowded and too noisy and more than anything in the world you want to get off and the only reason in the world you don't get off is it's still fifty blocks from where you're going? Well, I can get off right now if I want to, because even if I ride fifty more years and get off then, it's the same place when I step down to it. Whenever I feel like it, I can get off. As soon as I've had enough, it's my stop. I've had enough.
Birden fazla kişiyle yatmış olan kadınlar
___ (...) Research conducted by the Institute for Family Studies revealed that a virgin has a 5% chance of divorce after five years of marriage. Whereas, a woman with two previous partners has a 30% chance of divorce. The data stopped at 10 partners, which showed a 35% chance of divorce. Promiscuous women that have had many partners and/or have been sexually active from a young age DO NOT make good long-term partners. It’s not to say they can’t, or won’t, try to be a girlfriend or wife. But the statistics reveal how undesirable these women are long-term, and that’s why they should be treated as an FWB - and nothing more. ___
Bu tür kadınlar sokaklara ait :)
"What shape a tree grows into is definitely dependent on the gardener. There's a good proverb: a person should suffer as soon as possible. The earlier a person suffers, the more it will temper their will. Grass that grows in the wild has to endure the tempering of wind and frost as soon as it's born. The reaping of blades, the trampling of horses, it goes through cycles of growth and decline in order to survive. But a flower raised in the imperial greenhouses for eighteen years will wither upon a single night's frost" L. C
Top 20 movies of 2020 20. apples Christopher nikou's first feature appeared as one of the surprise films that seasoned the 2020 cinema year. Director nikou, who also worked as an assistant director in the movie dogtooth (2009) with yorgos lanthimos, follows the tradition of Greek New Wave Cinema (greek weird wave) and also makes a very
336 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
39 günde okudu
4/5 Stars (%78/100) God, I forgot how tiring reading e-books can get (especially when it's hard sci-fi like Liu Cixin's stories). However, I liked most of the stories in the collection (some more than others). Overall, it is good and this could also be a good starting point before you dive deep into The Three-Body Problem trilogy.
To Hold Up the Sky
To Hold Up the SkyCixin Liu · 20201 okunma
279 öğeden 181 ile 190 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.