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394 syf.
2/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
*spoiler* Hikâyemiz YobazTown adlı kasabada büyümüş Gracelyn Mae ismindeki kadının ve Jackson Paul adlı sexmachinein etrafında dönüyor. Bu kasabadaki her kadının ismi Rabia, Hayrünisa, Rümeysa vb. Müslüman isimlerin Hristiyan versiyonu. Herkesin iki ismi var btw like Ahmet Sait, Muhammed Selim etc. Biri size gerçekten sinirlendiğinde bu iki ismi
DisgraceBrittainy C. Cherry · CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform · 20182,082 okunma
224 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Konu güzelleşti
İlk iki kitap sonunu bulduğum romance tadında bir şey olduğunu düşünmüştüm. Yanılmışım bu kitapta olaylar daha hard. Bayılırım böyle karakter dönüşümlerine. Umarom böyle devam eder. Çümkü manga bi anda 9-15 yaşına hitap etmekten 15+ oldu. Yasssssss queeennnn gooo
Cagaster 3
Cagaster 3Kachou Hashimoto · Dex Kitap · 202318 okunma
176 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
5/5 Stars (%89/100) Not going to lie this was a really good volume. The fight between Code and our heroes continues and finally comes to an end in this book. I'm not going to spoil, of course, but the plot thickens regarding Momoshiki and Boruto's relationship. I'm also really liking Kawaki and still can't believe how he is going to turn evil (supposedly). I also feel like Amado still has soooo many secrets. The ending of the volume was very climactic and made me curious. If they continue like this, they might be able to save this series.
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations vol. 17
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations vol. 17Masaşi Kişimoto · 202211 okunma
208 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
3 günde okudu
4/5 Stars (%81/100) A little bit of context: I've seen many clips of the anime for weeks now and I thought it was some cliche hot girl/shy guy kind of anime. Slice of life anime can be really good if done properly. I watched 11 episodes of the anime in like 2 days (the last episode will be out today) and I really enjoyed it. I'm pretty sure it'll get a new season but not for a while. Soooo, I'm here with the manga. This was a pretty good first volume. There are some extra scenes that weren't in the anime. For those who don't know. The protagonist is a high-schooler named Gojou who is super antisocial mainly because of his dream to become a hina doll maker. By chance, he starts spending time with the most famous girl (Kitawaga Marin) at the school and realizes that they have much in common. Their friendship start when Gojou agrees to make cosplay clothes for her (he has experience sewing for dolls). Though the premise is quite simple and cheesy, I actually enjoyed it more than I expected. First of all, I haven't seen or read anime/manga about cosplay or hina dolls. Despite explicit scenes, it is not simply fan service as many people argue. I think both Gojou and Marin are beautifully written. Gojou thinks Marin has no problems because she is pretty, rich (I guess?), popular and so on. Marin thinks Gojou is simply shy but does not know the underlying reasons. I would continue to read it and definitely recommend it to others. The humor is good, the characters are interesting, the story is fun and makes you read more. This series was honestly a surprise for me!
My Dress-Up Darling, Vol. 1
My Dress-Up Darling, Vol. 1Shinichi Fukuda · 202031 okunma