"Bu dijital dünyanın tefekkür ya da düşünmeye hiç saygısı yok"
Does it ever make you think Everytime he texts you and you feel your heart sink? Maybe you're worth more than that Baby I know that's a fact I'm sick of standing on the sidelines Watching some other guy come and waste your time You should be with someone else Baby that's where I can help If I was your man, just me We'd never need company So come on take my hand, move slow Let your body let me know Something in your mind is changing And you're wondering about you and me Why are you, why are you wasting your time?
336 syf.
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Martin Niemöller'in Naziler için söylediği... İnceleme için yeterlidir...
Önce Yahudiler için geldiler Sesimi çıkarmadım Çünkü ben Yahudi değildim Sonra artık komünistler için geldiler Sesimi çıkarmadım Çünkü ben komünist değildim Sonra sendikacılar için geldiler Sesimi çıkarmadım Çünkü ben sendikacı değildim Sonra benim için geldiler ve ses çıkaracak kimse kalmamıştı...
PrekaryaGuy Standing · Ayhan Matbaası · 202290 okunma
kipps was kipps ve flo was flo beni bitirdi
but eight hard-bitten agents, bristling with rapiers, flares and grim-faced purpose? we must have been quite an unnerving sight, standing there─and that was before you assessed us individually. george was just finishing a tuna sandwich, holding his hand underneath to catch the falling flakes. bobby vernon sported his enormous salt gun. kipps was kipps. flo was flo. i kind of understood the guy's point.
Sayfa 300 - lucy's povKitabı okudu
The Blinds I moved to Philadelphia for some peace and quiet after New York City. After paying a week’s rent in a roominghouse, I walked down the street to look for the nearest bar. Half a block. I walked in and sat down. It was the poor part of town and the bar was fifty years old. You could smell the urine and shit of one-half a century wafting
"So this guy," I said, standing in the doorway of the living room, "François Rabelais, He was this poet. And his last words were, 'I go to seek a Great Perhaps.' That's why I'm going. So I don't have to wait until I die to start seeking a Great Perhaps."
Sayfa 11
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