Ne Okusam?
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Some people live a tragedy, others inhabit a never - ending religious drama, some approach life as if it were an action film, and not a few act as if in a comedy.But in the end, they are all just stories.
Sayfa 353 - Published by Harvill SeckerKitabı okudu
Dünyada artık doğal kıtlıklar kalmadı, sadece siyasi kıtlıklar var. Eğer Suriye, Sudan ya da Somali'de insanlar açlıktan ölüyorsa, bu bazı siyasetçiler böyle istediği için oluyor.
528 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
9 günde okudu
Journey from past to present... Greetings.. I found this book, which I read in English, more appropriate to review in English. Before we go into the review, I would like to point out that since I cannot use the language at a high level, there may be expression disorders or misuse in some places.Thank you for understanding. Another thought-provoking, informative book from Yuval Noah Harari. What I've read before from the author; I think this book should be read as well as the books "Sapiens and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century". I can summarize this book with two questions ; What happened in our past? What will happen in our future? In addition to these, the content of the book is literally a wealth of information. The author has blended it with his own opinions and in many places, did not leave the documents incomplete in his book .I would definitely recommend that people who are interested in science, technology, history in particular should read it. I have no doubt that you will take a lot of notes while reading. I wish you pleasant reading. Few Quotes ; *Throughout history most humans took war for granted, whereas peace was a temporary and precarious state. (Page 16 /Published by Harvill Secker) *Most of the misunderstandings regarding science and religion results from faulty definitions of religion. (Page 210 /Published by Harvill Secker) *We don't need any gods to limit our power and give us meaning - the free choices of customers and voters supply us with all the meaning we require.( Page 323 / Published by Harvill Secker)
Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow
Homo Deus: A Brief History of TomorrowYuval Noah Harari · Vintage Books · 201712,1bin okunma
İnsanlık tarihinde ilk kez insanlar az yemekten çok, çok yemekten ölüyor; hastalıktan çok, yaşlılıktan ölüyor; ve askerlerin, teröristlerin, suçluların öldürdüğünden çok daha fazla insan intihar ediyor.
Dataistler? :)
The most interesting emerging religion is Dataism, which venerates neither gods nor man - it worships data. (Yükselen en ilginç din, ne tanrılara ne de insanlara hürmet ediyor, sadece veriye tapıyor : Dataizm dini.)
Sayfa 427 - Published by Harvill SeckerKitabı okudu
Billions of people, including many scientists, continue to use religious scriptures as a source of authority, but these texts are no longer a source of creativity. (Biliminsanları da dahil olmak üzere milyarlarca insan dini metinleri otorite olarak görmeye devam ediyor,ancak bu metinler artık yaratıcı değiller.)
Sayfa 321 - Published by Harvill SeckerKitabı okudu
Most of the misunderstandings regarding science and religion results from faulty definitions of religion. (Bilim ve dine dair yanlış anlaşılmaların çoğu, dinin hatalı tanımlamalarının sonucudur.)
Sayfa 210 - Published by Harvill SeckerKitabı okudu
We don't need any gods to limit our power and give us meaning - the free choices of customers and voters supply us with all the meaning we require. (Bizi sınırlayacak ve anlamlandıracak hiçbir tanrıya ihtiyacımız yok artık, müşterilerin özgür tercihleri ve seçmenlerin desteği ihtiyacımız olan anlamı bize sağlıyor.)
Sayfa 323 - Published by Harvill SeckerKitabı okudu
We see then that the self too is an imaginary story, just like nations, gods and money. (Demek ki benlik de tıpkı uluslar, tanrılar ve para gibi hayali bir kurgudur)
Sayfa 353 - Published by Harvill SeckerKitabı okudu
Evolutionary pressures have accustomed humans to see the world as a static pie. If somebody gets a larger slice of the pie, somebody else inevitably gets a smaller slice. (Evrimsel baskılar, dünyayı boyutu değişmeyen bir pasta olarak görme alışkanlığı kazandırdı . Bu anlayış gereği, eğer biri büyük dilim alırsa, bir başkası kaçınılmaz olarak daha küçük bir dilime razı gelecektir..)
Sayfa 240 - Published by Harvill SeckerKitabı okudu
Woody Allen, who has made a fabulous career out of the fear of death, was once asked if he hoped to live on forever through the silver screen. Allen answered that ‘I’d rather live on in my apartment.’ He went on to add that ‘I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it by not dying.’
Attributing free will to humans is not an ethical judgement - it purports to be a factual description of the world. ( İnsanların özgür iradeye sahip olduğunu söylemek etik bir yargı değildir ; bu iddia dünyanın olgusal bir tanımı olmaya soyunur)
Sayfa 329 - Published by Harvill SeckerKitabı okudu
Mass extinctions occur once every many millions of years. Yes, a big asteroid will probably hit our planet sometime in the next 100 million years, but it is very unlikely to happen next Tuesday. Instead of fearing asteroids, we should fear ourselves
"bizi mutlu eden amacın kendisi değil de ona giderken yürüdüğümüz yoldur."
Sayfa 49
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