No man should judge unless he asks himself in absolute honesty whether in a similar situation he might not have done the same.
to gain complete honesty, it is important to let go of all your fears and defense mechanisms
Feryat etti: "Dürüstlük neden titriyor ve tıpkı bir katil gibi Neden sığınmaya çalışıyor ölümsüz mertebesindekilerin kaş çatışlarından? Yüce gönüllüler titremeye mecbur mudurlar ve mutluluğu tembellere, eleme mi bırakırlar, Kendisiyle alay eden? Kim verdi bu emri? Hangi Tanrı? Hangi Melek? Yüce gönüllülere tecrübeyi fazla görüp de gönülleri yüce olmayanların Tabiat kuvvetlerinin sınırsız icracıları olmalarını sağlayan kim? Bir de bakmışsın merhametin adı olmuş ticaret, yüce gönüllülükse bir zanaat, Insanların zenginlik kaynağı ve kumlu çöl terk edilmiş güçlülere. Hangi Tanrı ki bu, barış kanunları yazar ve fakat onları kasırgalara büründürür? Hangi merhametli Melek ki bu, gözyaşlarına susar ve hararetini Hangi sürüm sürüm sürünen mendebur ki bu, nefse hakimiyeti dindirir figanla? vaaz eder ve fakat kendini Kuzuların yağıyla besler? Takip etmeyeceğim artık, itaat etmeyeceğim ben bunlara bir daha!" He cried: Why trembles honesty and like a murderer, Why seeks he refuge from the frowns of his immortal station Must the generous tremble & leave his joy to the idle: to the pestilence! That mock him? who commanded this? what God? what Angel To keep the gen'rous from experience till the ungenerous Are unrestrain'd performers of the energies of nature; Till pity is become a trade, and generosity a science, That men get rich by, & the sandy desart is giv'n to the string What God is he, writes laws of peace, & clothes him in a tempes What pitying Angel lusts for tears, and fans himself with sigh What crawling villain preaches abstinence and wraps himself In fat of lambs? no more I follow, no more obedience pay.
Sayfa 124Kitabı okudu
Do you know why that conversation is so boring? Because we are trapped in politeness, unable to speak from the heart. Any conversation can become interesting and lively as soon as we start speaking with real honesty
There can be no love without honesty.
Sayfa 216Kitabı okudu
Mature awareness is possible only when I have digested and compensated for the biases and prejudices that are the residue of my personal history. Awareness of what presents itself to me involves a double movement of attention: silencing the familiar and welcoming the strange. Each time I approach a strange object, person, or event, I have a tendency to let my present needs, past experience, or expectations for the future determine what I will see. If I am to appreciate the uniqueness of any datum, I must be sufficiently aware of my preconceived ideas and characteristic emotional distortions to bracket them long enough to welcome strangeness and novelty into my perceptual world. This discipline of bracketing, compensating, or silencing requires sophisticated self-knowledge and courageous honesty. Yet, without this discipline each present moment is only the repetition of something already seen or experienced. In order for genuine novelty to emerge, for the unique presence of things, persons, or events to take root in me, I must undergo a decentralization of the ego.
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