Ne Okusam?
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Görevinizle ne kadar derin bir bağlantı kurarsanız başkalarının kötü fikirlerine o kadar duyarsız olursunuz. The deeper you connect with your mission, the more insensitive you will be to the bad opinions of others.
Sayfa 458 - Altın Kitaplar Yayınevi 1. BasımKitabı okuyor
When, as children, we got hurt or hurt others, someone usually said, "I'm sorry." Now that we're adults, these apologies don't come so often. And sometimes, when they do come, we decide they're not enough. When children do wrong, we see their fear, their confusion, their lack of knowledge. We see them as human.
Sayfa 295Kitabı okudu
So benumbed are we nowadays by electric lights that we have become utterly insensitive to the evils of excessive illumination.
Sayfa 55 - VintageKitabı okudu
Freud grew increasingly uncomfortable with the practices of Carl Jung and other students of psychoanalysis who trusted too much in a belief in universals, both in the analysis of dreams and in the analysis of myths. Freud thought them insensitive to the particulars of individual psychological and social contexts.
If someone stuck a pin in your arm, you would experience pain. Surprisingly enough, though, if someone stuck a pin directly into your exposed cortex, you probably wouldn't consciously experience any discomfort at all. With certain minor exceptions, there simply are no pain receptors in the brain. (There are pain receptors in the membrane covering the brain, however.) Because brain tissue is insensitive to pain, patients undergoing brain surgery are often conscious, so they can help the doctor locate whatever damaged section might need to be treated. During such surgery, the doctor may stimulate various parts of the patient's cortex electrically and ask what the patient feels the moment the current is turned on.
Children have a biological instinct to attach—they have no choice. Whether their parents or caregivers are loving and caring or distant, insensitive, rejecting, or abusive, children will develop a coping style based on their attempt to get at least some of their needs met.
1 gün dışarı çıkıp 3 gün evden çıkmamak :D
Aspies need plenty of alone time. Being alone is how autistic people regroup. When I retreat to my home office and close the door, it doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the company of my family. It has nothing to do with how much I love my husband. It doesn’t mean that I’m disinterested, selfish, cold, or insensitive. It means I’ve hit my limit for social interaction and need to recharge.
The opposite of sensitive is not brave. It’s not brave to refuse to pay attention, to refuse to notice, to refuse to feel and know and imagine. The opposite of sensitive is insensitive, and that’s no badge of honor.
The intestine is insensitive to most pain stimuli, including cutting and burning; however, it is sensitive to distention that is perceived as 'colic' (spasmodic abdominal pains or "intestinal cramps").
Sayfa 468
The heart is insensitive to touch, cutting, cold, and heat; however, ischemia and the accumulation of metabolic products stimulate pain endings in the myocardium... Cardiac referred pain is a phenomenon whereby noxious stimuli originating in the heart are perceived by a person as pain arising from a superficial part of the body--the skin on the left upper limb, for example.
Sayfa 380
(...) but in real life there are many who cannot be educated. They are too literal and insensitive to the details that contain seductive power. They do not so much repel as irritate and infuriate you by their constant misinterpretations, always viewing life from behind the screen of their ego and unable to see things as they really are.
Sayfa 140Kitabı okudu
In any event, the key to defending ourselves against passive aggressors is to recognize what they are up to as early as possible. The following are the most common strategies employed by such aggressors, and ways to counter them. The Subtle-Superiority Strategy: A friend, colleague, or employee is chronically late, but he or she always has a
Sayfa 504Kitabı okudu
Grandiose people are generally big talkers. They take credit for anything that is even tangential to their work; they invent past successes. They talk of their prescience, how they foresaw certain trends or predicted certain events, none of which can be verified. All such talk should make you doubly dubious. If people in the public eye suddenly say something that gets them into trouble for being insensitive, you can ascribe that to their potent grandiosity. They are so attuned to their own great opinions that they assume everyone else will interpret them in the right spirit and agree with them. Higher grandiose types generally display low levels of empathy. They are not good listeners. When the attention is not on them, they have a faraway look in their eyes and their fingers twitch with impatience. Only when the spotlight is on them do they become animated. They tend to see people as extensions of themselves—tools to be used in their schemes, sources of attention. Finally, they exhibit nonverbal behavior that can only be described as grandiose. Their gestures are big and dramatic. At a meeting, they take up a lot of personal space. Their voice tends to be louder than others, and they speak at a fast pace, giving no one else time to interrupt.
Sayfa 309Kitabı okudu
Doğanın umurunda bile değiliz aslında.
Natural selection is insensitive to considerations about “the world as a whole.” We need to explain what kept demonic genes from taking over the population, leaving us with a world of psychopaths.
The opposite of sensitive is not brave. It’s not brave to refuse to pay attention, to refuse to notice, to refuse to feel and know and imagine. The opposite of sensitive is insensitive, and that’s no badge of honor.
Sayfa 23
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