"Her keen intelligence and logical mind was balanced by her spirit, her courage—and her love. "
"I like your intelligence, your courage, the way you are willing to risk punishment to care for me, and your sense of humor, which is as warped as mine.”
“I don’t want anyone,” I said fiercely. “I want you. Your wit and intelligence, your kindness and charm. The way your eyes crinkle when you laugh and how your smile makes the world tilt just a little bit. I even want the disgusting food combinations you put together and somehow make taste good.”
Sayfa 397Kitabı okudu
We’re not equal in might, intelligence, or wealth, but we are all equal on the level of our souls.
Sayfa 30
"She was such a fascinating concoction: the sheer intelligence, the logical mind and reserve that buried the passion underneath."
Şeyh Sait'in İngiliz silah fabrikalarına silah siparişi verdiği, İngiliz silah fabrikalarının da o tarihte İngiliz “Intelligence Service” ile iç içe çalışan silah tüccarı Vasil Zaharoff ile eşgüdüm halinde olduklarını bilmek gerekir.
Sayfa 2 - Pdf
"I don't want anyone. I want you. Your wit and intelligence, your kindness and charm. The way your eyes crinkle when you laugh and how your smile makes the world tilt just a little bit. I even want the disgusting food combinations you put together and somehow make taste good.”
Aristotle‘s Challenge
Anyone can become angry-that is easy. But to be angry with the right person,to the right degree,at the right time,for the right purpose,and in the right way- this is not Easy… the Nicomachean Ethics
Productive laziness is not just about being lazy, it requires something more –and that is a powerful and magical combination of laziness and intelligence.
Sense of humour, confidence, charisma, intelligence, cultured, skilled at a craft, the list goes on. This isn’t to say you cannot deploy a mixed bag. One could plausibly be confident, well dressed, funny, positive, a leader, wealthy and caring and achieve a 10 in the opinion of many women and men. However, for universal 10 status, the physical traits have a consistent impact.
“Still, statistically the probability that there are other thinking beings out there is good. Nobody knows how many stars there are in the Milky Way – estimates range from a hundred billion or so to perhaps four hundred billion – and the Milky Way is just one of a hundred and forty billion or so other galaxies, many of them even larger than ours. In the 1960s, a professor at Cornell named Frank Drake, excited by such whopping numbers, worked out a famous equation designed to calculate the chances of advanced life existing in the cosmos, based on a series of diminishing probabilities. Under Drake’s equation you divide the number of stars in a selected portion of the universe by the number of stars that are likely to have planetary systems; divide that by the number of planetary systems that could theoretically support life; divide that by the number on which life, having arisen, advances to a state of intelligence; and so on. At each such division, the number shrinks colossally – yet even with the most conservative inputs the number of advanced civilizations just in the Milky Way always works out to be somewhere in the millions.”
“İstihbarat” sözcüğünün uluslararası karşılığı intelligence, Türkçede “zeka” anlamına geliyordu. Oysa Hiram Abas “zeka”sıyla değil “tabanca”sıyla hareket ediyordu. Halbuki, İstihbarat Entelektüel bir faaliyeti…
Lee was impressed by his combination of intelligence and childlike charm. Allerton was friendly now, without reserve or defense, like a child who has never been hurt. He was telling another story.
Sorgulamak yetmez derine inmeden havada asılı kalır bazı şeyler
Kuşkuculuğu yüksek zeka olarak göstermek isterler ama aslında kolay yolu se­çiyorlardır - herhangi bir fikre karşı savlar üretmek ve kenarda durup darbeyi indirmek daha kolaydır. They want to portray scepticism as high intelligence, but in fact they are taking the easy way out - it is easier to come up with counter-arguments to any idea and then stand on the sidelines and take the hit.
Sayfa 251 - Altın Kitaplar Yayınevi 5. BasımKitabı okuyor
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