This is why it’s so important to use your late teens and 20’s to build something great. An outlier male is someone that enters the male advantage window 30-50 with youth, appearance, wealth and life setup all in place. Alternatively, it can be a wealthy man with high level intelligence, youth, knows 5 languages fluently and travels often. This example of a well-rounded man may not be physically attractive, but collectively he’s a standout/outlier within the male population. The idea is to increase your rarity to the point where it’s extremely hard to replicate or replace you. This strategy as a man, will enable you to land a wide range of beautiful women, and other men will naturally see you as a leading figure in society. The big three are simply universally accepted and make it easier to achieve outlier male status. ( big three; success, assets and fitness)
"At first it meant Allied Mastercomputer, and then it meant Adaptive Manipulator, and later on it developed sentience and linked itself up and they called it an Aggressive Menace, but by then it was too late, and finally it called itself AM, emerging intelligence, and what it meant was I am... cogito ergo sum… I think, therefore I am."
I Have No Mouth & I Must ScreamKitabı okudu
"Her keen intelligence and logical mind was balanced by her spirit, her courage—and her love. "
"I like your intelligence, your courage, the way you are willing to risk punishment to care for me, and your sense of humor, which is as warped as mine.”
“I don’t want anyone,” I said fiercely. “I want you. Your wit and intelligence, your kindness and charm. The way your eyes crinkle when you laugh and how your smile makes the world tilt just a little bit. I even want the disgusting food combinations you put together and somehow make taste good.”
Sayfa 397Kitabı okudu
We’re not equal in might, intelligence, or wealth, but we are all equal on the level of our souls.
Sayfa 30
There is no intelligence where there is no change and no need change. Değişimin olmadığı ve değişime ihtiyaç duyulmadığı yerde zeka yoktur.
"She was such a fascinating concoction: the sheer intelligence, the logical mind and reserve that buried the passion underneath."
Shermer’s Last Law
"Any sufficiently advanced extraterrestrial intelligence is indistinguishable from God" (Scientific American [January 2002])
Goleman doesn’t just talk about emotional intelligence,he weaves a tapestry of insights that illuminate the path to greater self-awareness and deeper connections with others. - Empathy is the silent language of the heart, speaking volumes without uttering a single word.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Şeyh Sait'in İngiliz silah fabrikalarına silah siparişi verdiği, İngiliz silah fabrikalarının da o tarihte İngiliz “Intelligence Service” ile iç içe çalışan silah tüccarı Vasil Zaharoff ile eşgüdüm halinde olduklarını bilmek gerekir.
Sayfa 2 - Pdf
"I don't want anyone. I want you. Your wit and intelligence, your kindness and charm. The way your eyes crinkle when you laugh and how your smile makes the world tilt just a little bit. I even want the disgusting food combinations you put together and somehow make taste good.”