Ne de kolay ağlıyorsunuz! Siz bir takım insanlar, ne de kolay ağlıyorsunuz! Gözyaşlarınız olmasaydı neyle müdafaa edecektiniz kendinizi? How easy it is for you to cry! How easy it is for some people like you shed tears! İf you had no tears what would you defend yourself with?
528 syf.
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Read in 1 hours
I am a huge fan of JOHN GRISHAM. I’ve read all of his books in English; The Fifth Witness was my introduction to Michael Connelly's work. In my mind, I immediately began to compare him to John Grisham. I knew it would be hard to knock John off my pedestal, and indeed, it didn't happen. Actually, Connelly took a seat right beside JOHN GRISHAM. His
Beşinci Tanık
Beşinci TanıkMichael Connelly · Altın Kitaplar · 201363 okunma
848 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Let me begin this by saying that I bought this book many years ago from London, but it took me multiple attempts to actually finish it. Because I imagine one's appreciation of ‘ Until I Find You’ will depend on large part an ability to get through the first couple hundred pages, which mainly consist of a mother and Jack, her four-year-old son, traveling to various Scandinavian churches and tattoo parlors in search of the boy's father. The true story of Jack's father, and how the man's absence ultimately contributed to flaws in the son's character, is the main focus of the book, but oh gosh does it take a long time to get there. In the meantime we're treated to an exhaustive account of Jack's childhood and schooling consisting of, in no particular order, humiliation, wrestling, molestation, and sex with much older women, continuing through to his career as an actor and his odd relationship with an older girl who in many ways is the love of his life. While the story took awhile to get moving, I love the direction it finally took. I really appreciated how we, as readers, are nearly as blind as Jack is until he finally discovers the truth. Finally, there is a satisfaction with the novel when we finally step away and view the completed puzzle. “Until I Find You” has a good puzzle, playing with the perspective of youth versus maturity. But my final thought of this book is that at 822 pages, it simply ran on too long. I can only handle about 500-600 pages of sharp wit and irony and overly clever people and/or in their dialog.
Until I Find You
Until I Find YouJohn Irving · Ballantine Books · 20062 okunma
“Just one more,” he says, squatting down in front of me. “Reason number twelve, you’ve got a mini-me out there somewhere, and I kind of want the chance to meet a little Scarlet.” “You don’t like kids,” I point out. “True, I don’t,” he says. “But she’s your kid, which means there’s a decent chance she’s not half-bad, either.” I stare at him. I don’t know what to say. His words sound so genuine. This isn’t the reaction I expected. Not to say I didn’t think he had it in him. But I’m used to being kicked while I’m down, and I haven’t quite figured out what to make of Lorenzo. Sometimes, when I look at him, I see the dangerous, cold-hearted criminal, the one that has killed at least two men since we met two months ago, but other times I see a man with a deep soul, generous and warm, the kind of man a woman could fall in love with if she wasn’t careful. But I have to be careful.
Omer B. Washington-I have learned…
I’ve learned, that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I’ve learned, that no matter how much I care, some people just don’t care back. I’ve learned,that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it. I’ve learned, that no matter how good a friend is, they’re
"The renewed invasions and the disintegration of the Carolingian Empire led to the emergence of a new type of relationship between free individuals. When governments ceased to be able to defend their subjects, it became important to find some powerful lord who could offer protection in exchange for service. The contract sworn between a lord and his subordinate is the basis of a form of social organization that later generations of historians called feudalism. But feudalism was never a system, and many historians today prefer to avoid using the term." Jackson J. Spielvogel, Western Civilization
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