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I am disgusted by nothing in the world as much as I am by cruelty. Mankind's greatest war must be waged against cruelty. First of all, human beings must eradicate from themselves something worse than these jealousies, these grudges, these immoralities - even if they are inherent in them.
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I am disgusted by nothing in the world as much as I am by cruelty. Mankind's greatest war must be waged against cruelty.
Sayfa 67 - Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları - Ekim 2019Kitabı okudu
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No one was trying to understand the real truth of anyone and what was going on inside their skull.
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(...) a good man is a man who regrets.
Değişmiş, çok değişmiş Halim, tavrım, duruşum Aynada kaybolmuşum Bana yabancı artık Etim, kemiğim, derim Unutmuş o ahbapça Bakışını gözlerim Yüzüm tanınmaz olmuş Benim değil bu saçlar Hepsi bembeyaz olmuş Kaybolmak ne kadar zor Gören varsa söylesin Bir kayıp aranıyor
Sayfa 131Kitabı okudu
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(...) no one was trying to understand the true essence of anyone, what was going on inside their skull.
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