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I am disgusted by nothing in the world as much as I am by cruelty. Mankind's greatest war must be waged against cruelty. First of all, human beings must eradicate from themselves something worse than these jealousies, these grudges, these immoralities - even if they are inherent in them.
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No one was trying to understand the real truth of anyone and what was going on inside their skull.
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"I can't understand, I'm trying so hard, I can't understand. Why, why today's books; Whether it is our youth's or the French writers', it always deals with the worst of people, the ugly side of life, hopelessness, nothingness and emptiness. Are there always bad people? Are we surrounded by misery and disease? Everything we see is cruel, murderer, egoist, Hasut (stingy, vulgar), spiteful, half-mad, immoral?"
Sayfa 21 - Yapı Kredi Yayınları
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(...) a good man is a man who regrets.
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(...) no one was trying to understand the true essence of anyone, what was going on inside their skull.
Elli tonluk kinin yerine iki gramlık sevgiyi ne diye övmeli.
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