A Village Life: Poems

Louise Glück

A Village Life: Poems Sözleri ve Alıntıları

A Village Life: Poems sözleri ve alıntılarını, A Village Life: Poems kitap alıntılarını, A Village Life: Poems en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
. Bir lirik şairin dediği gibi : "Dünyaya bir kez bakarız, çocuklukta. Gerisi hafızadır." ...
You get home, that’s when you notice the mold. Too late, in other words.
. Ve sonra gün ağardı. Rüya görüyorduk, geceyi bekliyorduk. . . .
What lives, lives underground. What dies, dies without struggle.
The night is an open book. But the world beyond the night remains a mystery.
. Ben gençken, dedi, alacakaranlıkta bahçe yolunda yürümeyi severdim. Ve yol yeterince uzun olsaydı, ayın doğuşunu görecektim. Bu benim için büyük bir zevkti. Seks değil, yemek değil, dünyevi eğlence değil. Ayın doğuşunu tercih ettim. ...
"Bir Köy Hayatı: Şiirler"
You will leave the village where you were born and in another country you’ll become very rich, very powerful, but always you will mourn something you left behind, even though you can’t say what it was, and eventually you will return to seek it.
. Her şey değişimdir, dedi ve her şey birbirine bağlı. Ayrıca her şey geri döner, ama dönen şey değil... ...
The death and uncertainty that await me as they await all men, the shadows evaluating me because it can take time to destroy a human being, the element of suspense needs to be preserved
It seems a strange position, being very young. They have this thing everyone wants and they don’t want— but they want to keep it anyway; it’s all they can trade on.
They’re alone at the fountain, in a dark well. They’ve been exiled by the world of hope, which is the world of action, but the world of thought hasn’t as yet opened to them. When it does, everything will change.
Life is simple now: one day cognac, one day coffee and a cigarette. To the couples, it’s clear who’s on the outskirts of life, who’s at the center.
No one really understands the savagery of this place, the way it kills people for no reason, just to keep in practice.
There should be more time like this, to sit and dream. Living takes you away from sitting.
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