Atatürk'ün Akıllı Projeleri

Akl-ı Kemal 4.Cilt

Sinan Meydan
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How did he build it? How did the others destroy it? "Revolution and Counter-Revolution" The miracle of the Republic, which amazed the world, is a product of smart projects, and smart projects are a product of Smart Kemal (Ataturk's mind). Atatürk's Smart Projects in the 4th volume of Akl-ı Kemal are as follows: Aircraft Industry project; (Aviation and Space Forecast): Brief balance sheet of Turkish Aviation History, The miracle of broken wings in the War of Independence, Atatürk's Kayseri, Ankara , Eskişehir aircraft and engine factories, domestic aircraft of Vecihi Hürkuş and Nuri Demirağ, aircraft exports in the 1930s. The reality of Turkey is Atatürk's unknown space prediction. and the Moon Project, the bat plane Flying Wing built by Turkey in the 1940s, the first domestic war plane Mehmetçik Project and the Ankara Wind Tunnel in 1950. In the past, with US reports and requests, Turkish aircraft factories were converted into pan, pot and tractor factories.. Project of Returning to the Basics in Religion: Atatürk's unknown understanding of religion, the Islamic world from the Islamic Renaissance to the swamp of superstitions, the return to the basics in religion in the Ottoman Empire. Elaborate works, the forgotten revolutionary reasons for Atatürk's criticism of religion and Islam in the 1930s; In 1932, Atatürk's one-week Quran study with 9 selected hafizes in Dolmabahçe, Dr. Reşit Galip's thesis on Islam as the National Religion of the Turks, Hz. Supporting Muhammad, the great religious debate planned by Atatürk in Hagia Sophia, the Turkish Quran, prayer, sermon, adhan, The facts about salat, Mehmet Akif and Translation of the Quran, Ataturk's great services to Islam, destruction of the Project of Returning to the Originality of Religion in the 1950s... History and Language Theses Project: International sources of Turkish History Thesis, scientific history books based on the culture-civilization of the Republic that rebelled against Western-centered history, history congresses, Language Revolution and liberation of the language, international sources of the Sun Language Theory, Language Congresses, the scientific dimension and international impact of History and Language Theses, Atatürk's linguistics and etymology studies; Atatürk's view of science fiction history/language, Atatürk's anthropology studies; The rebellion against racist Nazi anthropology with the egalitarian brachycephalic Eurasia theory, the scientific nature of Atatürk's anthropological studies and his anti-racism, the History and Language Theses Project in the 1940s and 1950s. #39;destruction of... While Ataturk was developing his smart projects, he drew from historical experiences, the fragile and unstable Ottoman modernization that continued since the Tanzimat, the European enlightenment that started in the 15th century, the bright pages of Turkish-Islamic history, nearly 5000 books that he read. He benefited from the book and his God-given genius. Atatürk's Smart Projects began to be destroyed immediately after Atatürk's death. “I am a person who has been thinking about these issues since I was young. "If I tell you that I have just started thinking about these issues, do not believe me." -Mustafa Kemal Atatürk- (From the Promotional Bulletin)
Sinan Meydan
Sinan Meydan
Estimated Reading Time: 13 hrs. 50 min.Page Number: 488Publication Date: April 2013Publisher: İnkılâp Kitabevi
ISBN: 9789751033239Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

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488 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 19 days
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Although the last volume of the Akl-ı Kemal series is 5, I read the 4th volume last due to shipping reasons. For this reason, I found it appropriate to write my humble comment at the end of this volume. While reading the Akl-ı Kemal series, one feels like studying, and the question that always arises in one's mind is why this series is not taught as a textbook. A series that reveals Atatürk's mind, ideas, intelligence, strategies, ideals and management skills. While reading this series, I did not and could not specifically share quotes because we generally use the same sentence for all the novels we love: if we had quoted, we would have written the whole book again, or if I wanted to underline the sentences that impressed me, I would have to underline all the lines. This series is exactly the same, it is impossible not to be impressed and not love it as each line and subject reflects Ataturk's mind. And when we come from those years to these years, don't be saddened to see the losses in between... As for Sinan Meydan's style, it can be a bit boring because some sentences and some paragraphs are repeated due to the subject. However, although it is difficult to present textbook-like subjects to the reader, if it can be read, it would be a shame to say much. I can definitely recommend you to read it.
Akl-ı Kemal 4.Cilt
Akl-ı Kemal 4.CiltSinan Meydan · İnkılâp Kitabevi · 2013110 okunma
488 syf.
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Read in 238 days
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Sinan Meydan's Akin Kemal series contains a lot of significant information and it is obvious that it is the product of deep research. He defends his thesis very well. As a historian, I admire him very much, and I appreciate his ability to address very controversial issues. As mentioned in this book, which describes revolutions such as the Kemal Mind series and especially the Turkishization of the religious language and the simplification of the language, even those around him could not fully understand Ataturk and could not analyze this multi-faceted and profound wise man well. This is not because he cannot express himself, but because he does not have that depth around him. Even today, those who attack him do not attack with such depth of evidence, but with newspaper headlines to excite him. The difference is clearly visible. Also, while studying history, one should evaluate the events in their own period and not take them out of their context. Yes, Ataturk had the skull measured, but why did he have it measured? At that time, anthropology reached its peak. Europe accused the countries it exploited of being primitive people. Atatürk assigned a doctoral student to prove the opposite and used scientific evidence. Physical anthropology should not be confused with social racial discrimination. There is no racial discrimination in the country. (dolichocephalic brachycephalic issue) the details are nice. Thanks
Akl-ı Kemal 4.Cilt
Akl-ı Kemal 4.CiltSinan Meydan · İnkılâp Kitabevi · 2013110 okunma
488 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 18 days
Sayın Sinan Meydan’ın yazmış olduğu 5 ciltten oluşan Akl-ı Kemal serisinin 4.cildi üzerine olup, 3 bölümden oluşacaktır… İlk yazı bölümü Atatürk’ün Uçak Sanayi Projesi üzerinedir. Atatürk’ün uçakla tanışması 1910’a kadar uzanır. İlk kez 10 Eylül 1910’da Fransa’daki Picardie Manevraları’nda karşılaşmıştır uçakla. Uçakların gücünden oldukça fazla
Akl-ı Kemal 4.Cilt
Akl-ı Kemal 4.CiltSinan Meydan · İnkılâp Kitabevi · 2013110 okunma
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