Allah Beni de Affeder mi?

Mehmed Paksu


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They think that by treating people well, they are freed from the responsibility of worship. This thought is a trick and trap of the devil and a deception of the soul. These people detect the behavior of some people who are praying and praying, which contradicts the spirit of Islam and harms others. Using this as an excuse, he said, "Look, even though these people pray, they also make these and such mistakes. Rather than getting into such a dilemma, it would be better for me not to perform the prayer at all.” They can put forward their own lack of prayer as an excuse by saying.
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"Sins darken the heart."
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Human beings are always faced with trials in every state. A person's good state is a test, as is his bad state. Sinful deeds are also a test, and good deeds are also a test...
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Knowing the sin does not change anything, it does not mean anything, what is important is to be able to abandon the sin committed, to make an effort to abandon it, to use your will, to pull yourself together...
Günahlar hayat-ı ebediyede daimi hastalıklardır; bu hayat-ı dünyeviyede dahi kalp, vicdan, ruh için manevi hastalıklardır...
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