Anne of Green Gables, #3

Anne of The Island

L. M. Montgomery

Anne of The Island Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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There's something in the air that gets into my blood and makes a sort of glory in my soul.
"Oh," she thought, "how horrible it is that people have to grow up -and marry- and change!"
Sayfa 179
We are all bad. But most of us have got a little decency somewhere in us.
Sometimes i feel as if being grown-up just frightened me- and I would give anything to be a little girl again.
Home Must always be the loveliest spot in the world, no matter what fairer land may lie under alien stars.
I smiled at everybody and felt that ıt was a beautiful world..)
Being in love makes you a perfect slave, I think.
Sayfa 31 - Philippa Gordon
we are never half so interesting when we have learned that language is given us to enable us to conceal our thoughts.
the year is a book... spring's pages are written in Mayflowers and violets, summer's in roses, autumns in red maple leaves, and winter in holly and evergreen.
Sayfa 144Kitabı okudu
the sorrows God sent us brought comfort and strength with them.
you do not know love when you see it. you have tricked something out with your imagination that you think love, and you expect the real thing to look like that.
Sayfa 139Kitabı okudu
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