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"Paper is not worthy of storing your precious ideas."
288 syf.
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Read in 52 days
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I decided to read this book, which I came across a lot in literature classes when I was still in high school, out of intense curiosity. Even though years have passed, I still remember the hero in the book. His interest in luxury vehicles, his snobberies, his mentality... In fact, even though it was a book written in 1898, a long time before today, I couldn't help but think how much it reflects today's people. In my opinion, the author addressed important issues in those years. Of course, to those who understand... It was a book I liked. I recommend you to read
Araba Sevdası
Araba SevdasıRecaizade Mahmut Ekrem · Fark Yayınevi · 201825.4k okunma
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original was nothing more than the malady of laziness that spread like an infectious disease. ... mixing French words while speaking Turkish, always carrying a French novel or two under one's arm, always keeping a French newspaper or magazine in the side pocket of one's jacket so that the title can be read from the outside, trying to waste money and go into debt, and speaking Turkish without literature, Considering it a vulgar language and bragging about being ignorant of one's mother tongue, and getting rid of our national customs and traditions as much as possible, were the main skills of those bastards, examples of which we still see today...
Sayfa 208
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They said to a blind person, "Your wife is a rose." He replied, "That's what I understood from the thorns."
"Kendimi bir dereceye kadar sevdirdimse de yüreğinde istediğim yere ulaşamadım."
Düşkünlüğün her türlüsü, sahibine türlü maskaralıklar ettirir"
" Görünüş aldatıcıdır."
Sayfa 32 - Fark YayınlarıKitabı okudu
"La Bruyere mi yoksa La Rochefocauld mu, bilmem hangisidir, der ki: Düşkünlüğün her türlüsü, sahibine türlü maskaralıklar ettirir, özellikle aşk ve sevda insanı hepsinden fazla maskara eder."
Ahû zi tu amuht bahengâm-ı deviden Rem gerden ü tstaden ü vapes nigerîden * Sıçraya sıçraya koşarkan bir şeyden ürkmüş gibi birdenbire durmayı ve dönüp döntp arkasına bakmayı ceylan senden öğrendi . Sözünde tarif edilen gönül aldatıcı edaya sahiptir bir nazenindi .
1,000 öğeden 1 ile 10 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.