Autumn Journal

Louis MacNeice

Oldest Autumn Journal Quotes

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None of our hearts are pure, we always have mixed motives, Are self deceivers, but the worst of all Deceits is to murmur 'Lord, I am not worthy' And, lying easy, turn your face to the wall. But may I cure that habit, look up and outwards And may my feet follow my wider glance First no doubt to stumble, then to walk with the others And in the end—with time and luck—to dance.
Sayfa 18 - Faber and Faber LimitedKitabı okudu
My dog, a symbol of the abandoned order, Lies on the carriage floor, Her eyes inept and glamorous as a film star's, Who wants to live, i.e. who wants more Presents, jewellery, furs, gadgets, solicitations As if to live were not Following the curve of a planet or controlled water But a leap in the dark, a tangent, a stray shot.
Sayfa 10 - Faber and Faber LimitedKitabı okudu
It is this we learn after so many failures, The building of castles in sand, of queens in snow, That we cannot make any corner in life or in life's beauty, That no river is a river which does not flow.
Sayfa 11 - Faber and Faber LimitedKitabı okudu
And I think of Persephone gone down to dark, No more a virgin, gone the garish meadow, But why must she come back, why must the snowdrop mark That life goes on for ever?
Sayfa 13 - Faber and Faber LimitedKitabı okudu
There are nights when I am lonely and long for love But to-night is quintessential dark forbidding Anyone beside or below me; only above Pile high the tumulus, good-bye to starlight. Good-bye to Platonic sieve of the Carnal Man But good-bye also Plato's philosophising; I have a better plan To hit the target straight without circumlocution.
Sayfa 14 - Faber and Faber LimitedKitabı okudu
And now the tempter whispers 'But you also Have the slave-owner's mind, Would like to sleep on a mattress of easy profits, To snap your fingers or a whip and find Servants or houries ready to wince and flatter And build with their degredation your self-esteem; What you want is not a world of free in function But a niche at the top, the skimmings of the cream.'
Sayfa 17 - Faber and Faber LimitedKitabı okudu
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