Ayıcık ile Hayvanlar

Michael Ende

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28 syf.
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Shouldn't children question why they exist? Shouldn't we introduce them at an early age to the existential pains they will deal with during adolescence, during normal personality development stages? Should we extend their childhood? I think that children can understand everything in their own way. I also found the story of the teddy bear, who one day begins to question why he exists, very cute. Parallel readings can be made with this wonderful story and Mevlana Idris's book The Flying Donkey, which questions the meaning of life. Afterwards, the Toy Story animated series can be watched.
Ayıcık ile Hayvanlar
Ayıcık ile HayvanlarMichael Ende · Kırmızı Kedi Yayınları · 201629 okunma
28 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
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Good evening, friends, today I come to you with a great book recommendation. After reading #momo, I realized that I wanted to read all the author's books. I started with this book first. Michael Ende is one of the most famous authors of children's books whose works have been published in more than 40 countries. In the book, which is enriched with wonderful drawings, we witness the journey of the poor teddy bear WASHABLE to find out the reason for its existence and the conversations he has with the animals he encounters. He finally learned why he existed and became happy. So do you know why you exist? I definitely recommend it. Stay with books and love, friends.
Ayıcık ile Hayvanlar
Ayıcık ile HayvanlarMichael Ende · Kırmızı Kedi Yayınları · 201629 okunma
28 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
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Michael Ende's books are the heart. I love a lot. I read the first Momo book. I love this kind of fairytale-like, fantasy children's books that support the imagination. I bought this for my son, but of course I read it too. He has a style that appeals to all ages. That's why he's so loved. You should definitely read the author's books.
Ayıcık ile Hayvanlar
Ayıcık ile HayvanlarMichael Ende · Kırmızı Kedi Yayınları · 201629 okunma