Balıkesir Muhasebecisi - Tanrıdağı Ziyafeti

Reşat Nuri Güntekin

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(I finished all the works by reading Reşat Nuri Güntekin's 27th book. I am sad because I don't know if I will come across such an author again.) The truth of abstract facts is proven by concrete actions. For example, the issue of morality. A lot of dreamy people, especially on this site, say "Morality, truth, Islam". He satisfies himself by performing a ritual of worship to his own divine ego by sharing pithy sayings such as. Let's expand a bit; " "Those who struggle for life alone are not afraid of being alone," he said, and he trampled on everything that was sacred to find a reference in the interview. "Praying 5 hours a day, morality 24 hours a day" He said and sent hundreds of abusive, erotic and pornographic messages to the opposite sex via DM... He does not prostrate his forehead to the Most Merciful, he gives fatwa about religion... He fixes the economy of the country that is incapable of paying its debt (on the street)... He doesn't read two lines of books, but he teaches the expert his job... Etc. etc. (I generally stay away from or block those who talk about "themselves" and highlight their "self" in such posts.) Reşat Nuri Güntekin teaches us all this distortion in a wonderful way with a theater play through Balıkesir Accountant. Let me end with the last word of the book: " Both profiteers and saints, there is no such plunder... Either that or that.. The book consisted of two works. One of them was the Tanrıdağı Banquet. I never mentioned it. My score for him is 7. For Balıkesir Accountant, 10.
Balıkesir Muhasebecisi - Tanrıdağı Ziyafeti
Balıkesir Muhasebecisi - Tanrıdağı ZiyafetiReşat Nuri Güntekin · İnkılap Kitabevi · 1992135 okunma
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