Batman - Gülen Adam

Ed Brubaker

High Rated Batman - Gülen Adam Reviews

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8.2Out of 10
108 People · 9 Review
144 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 5 days
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In addition to Joker's origin story, there is also a side story (Green Lantern)... Joker's episode was great, it made me happy and enjoyable to read the scenes that reminded me of the Dark Knight trilogy movie, which I also see as legendary... Even though the script was changed a little, it is much more exciting and perfect. I remembered that he had framed a plan... It may be one of the Greatest Joker stories... I did not expect the Green Lantern story to be in this novel, even though it is not connected to the Joker story... It is not bad, but it could have been better, it needed to be filled in a little more... The deficiency is obvious. obviously... But overall it was nice and the drawings were flawless in these novels...
Batman - Gülen Adam
Batman - Gülen AdamEd Brubaker · JBC Yayıncılık · 2014257 okunma
144 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
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When did the Joker first appear? What was the first crime he committed? The answers to all your questions are in this work. Extra thanks to JBC publishing for reprinting such an old publication.
Batman - Gülen Adam
Batman - Gülen AdamEd Brubaker · JBC Yayıncılık · 2014257 okunma
144 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 6 days
Batman: Gülen Adam
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A famous volume, Batman: The Man Who Laughs is a must-read for every comic book lover. Reprinted by JBC. So what makes this comic so important? Actually, this is a volume consisting of 2 comics. The first comic is about the character "Joker" meeting Batman for the first time and his first actions. The second comic is about Batman and Alan Scott, the first Green Lantern, working on an old case. For the full review, I invite you to my blog
Batman - Gülen Adam
Batman - Gülen AdamEd Brubaker · JBC Yayıncılık · 2014257 okunma
144 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 2 hours
Ben sadece joker hikayesi bekliyordum lakin içinden bir tane daha hikaye çıktı . İlk kısımda bize jokerin ortaya nasıl çıktığını ve ilk işlediği suçları gösterdi açıkcası batman ve jim daha önce rastlamadıkları değişik türden ciyanet gördüler joker karakterimizin aklını okuyamadıkları ve ne yapacağını tahmin edemediklerinden dolayı sürekli ters köşeye yatırdı son olarak joker bir tık sönük kaldı bana göre İkinci kısımda ise gordon emekli olmuş sabah yürüyüşü sırasında bir ciyanete rastlıyor green lantern heykelin dibinde göğsüne kazınmış bir yazı ile kurban bulunuyor 50 yıl öncesine işlenmiş ciyanetler tekrar gün yüzüne çıkartıyolar
Batman - Gülen Adam
Batman - Gülen AdamEd Brubaker · JBC Yayıncılık · 2014257 okunma
144 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Read in 4 days
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It is a special comic book for me as it is both Joker's and my first comic book (if I don't count the monthly comic magazines I bought when I was little). The first half of the comic describes Batman's adventure with the Joker, the other half with the Green Latern. Even though I liked the first story more, I think the drawings of the second story are much better. I always wondered whether the rebellious character of the Joker in the comics was as beautiful as in the movies, I actually started reading to find out and I thought he was similar to the one in the movies, the ideas he opposed were obvious from his first victim and I liked it very much. Although I would like to see more of the Joker, I think it's a pretty effective reveal for the first comic, and I know I'll see much more of him in other comics.
Batman - Gülen Adam
Batman - Gülen AdamEd Brubaker · JBC Yayıncılık · 2014257 okunma