Eski FBI Ajanından İnsanların Bedenini Okuma Rehberi

Beden Dili

Joe Navarro

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8.1Out of 10
1,303 People · 229 Review
300 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Kitabın incelemesini yapmadan önce ''Kişisel Gelişim'' türü hakkında bir şeyler söylemek isterim. Öncelikle şunu belitmek isterim bu türe yöneltilen ''kişisel gelişmeyin'' şeklindeki çığlıklara katılmıyorum. Bu tür kitapların varlığını görmezden gelip reddetmek saçma bir yaklaşım olacaktır. Fakat kitap seçme noktasında diğer türlere nazaran çok
Beden Dili
Beden DiliJoe Navarro · Alfa Yayıncılık · 20084,796 okunma
300 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 25 hours
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In this work, former FBI agent Joe Navarro describes the body language movements he caught while interrogating criminals in his career, with pictures and examples... Explaining that we can learn non-verbal behaviors from our silent body language and that this richness will guide us at every stage of our lives, that we can look at events more
Beden Dili
Beden DiliJoe Navarro · Alfa Yayıncılık · 20084,796 okunma
300 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
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It is a recommendable book for individuals who want to improve communication with people, because body language forms the basis of communication. When you read this book, you can more or less guess what people are thinking, rather than their words. What is wanted to be explained in the book is supported by visuals. My suggestion after reading this book is that you observe people to reinforce the information in it.
Beden Dili
Beden DiliJoe Navarro · Alfa Yayıncılık · 20084,796 okunma
300 syf.
Not rated
Read in 23 days
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From this book, which I started with great curiosity, I gained a lot of useful information about interpreting non-verbal messages when it comes to human relations. Retired FBI agent
Joe Navarro
Joe Navarro
shared many of the experiences he has accumulated over the years. I was wondering where I would next encounter the anatomical information about the neocortex
Beden Dili
Beden DiliJoe Navarro · Alfa Yayıncılık · 20084,796 okunma
300 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Read in 7 days
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Think about it: the human body is capable of sending thousands of non-verbal "signals" or messages. So, which of these signs are important and how can you resolve them? We humans can sometimes send countless messages to the people around us with our body language without even realizing it. This book is a great work by an FBI employee based on his own experiences. If we pay attention to our actions just as we should pay attention to our words, we will hurt the people around us less.
Beden Dili
Beden DiliJoe Navarro · Alfa Yayıncılık · 20084,796 okunma
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