Behçet Hoca

Hilmi Yavuz


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"Moreover, he wants his poem to be read that way: "He should read my poem in short cuts. Wait a minute. Leave the necessary spaces between words. My poetry is not a poem that comes to construction, as the old saying goes, it is not a poem to be recited out loud. It is a poem that should only be read once you are in the mood, paying attention to the precautions required by that mood. So, of course, the way each poet reads his poem is different. And that's a good thing: It should be different. Most of the time, reading all poets' poems in the same tone would be to the detriment of poetry." *: Prose 2, 560.
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When the poem 'Writing Truth' was published, I asked Hoca about a question line in that poem; - the line was: What do the subtleties want? Hodja extinguished the cigarette that had become very small at the tip of his lips [in one of our conversations, he said that he consumed 3 packs of 'Birinci' cigarettes a day! Moreover, apart from the official and family photographs of Hodja, there does not appear to be a single photograph of him in which he does not have a cigarette on his lips or fingers.] he said: "What will they want! They want to be understood."
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But what I know is that Hodja is saddened and saddened by the fact that things have changed.
Biraz gülecek olsan, vay sen misin gülen, yetişir hemen hüzün.
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Bilerek yarım bırakacaktır.Hiçbir şey tam değildir çünkü, ne yapsak, ne kadar ödesek. Hep bir şeylerin yarım kalmasına yazgılıyızdır.
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Şairi hep Necatigil gibi düşünmüşümdür. İşini iyi bilen, kimsenin işine karışmayan bir alçakgönüllü zanaatkâr. Sürekli kendini eleştiren, kınayan. Asfalt ovalarda yürüyen bir abdal...
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Necatigil hep kuytuların, gecesafalarının açtığı saatlerin şairi oldu.
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100 öğeden 11 ile 20 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.