Bir İdam Mahkûmunun Son Günü

Victor Hugo

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Bir İdam Mahkumunun Son Günü, dünya edebiyatının ölümsüzlerinden Victor Hugo'nun (1802-1885) yirmi altı yaşında yazdığı bir gençlik yapıtıdır. Victor Hugo'nun içerik olarak bu romandaki amacı çok yalın, çok açık: İdam cezasının hem trajik, hem de saçma yanını göstermek. Onun büyüklüğünde, onun dehasında bir yazar için böyle bir savı insanca ve etik boyutlarıyla sergileyerek kanıtlamak hiç de güç değil. Ama bu romanın büyük önemi başka özelliklerinden kaynaklanıyor. Bu yapıt, birinci tekil kişi ben ile yazılan romanın ilk örneği. Daha önce böyle bir yöntem bilinmiyor. Demek ki bu özelliğiyle bir yol açıcı, bir öncü bu roman. Roman kahramanının da dediği gibi, bir tür zihinsel otopsi olan bu romanda, modern edebiyatın ilk iç monoloğu ile karşılaşıyoruz. Bir İdam Mahkumunun Son Günü, bir yazınsal yenilik olan Samuel Beckett ve Georges Bataille'ı haber veriyor. Bu da romanın bir başka önemli özelliği. Bataille ve Beckett'i tanıdıktan sonra bu romanı daha iyi kavrıyoruz. İdam mahkumunun kendisine ironik bir gözle bir başkası olarak bakışı ise, Victor Hugo'nun Arthur Rimbaud'dan kırk yıl önce `Ben Bir Başkasıdır' düşüncesini yaşamış olduğunu gösteriyor.
Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo
Ayşe Çelem
Ayşe Çelem
Estimated Reading Time: 4 hrs. 32 min.Page Number: 160Publication Date: 8 June 2019First Publication Date: 1829Publisher: Can YayınlarıOriginal Title: Le Dernier Jour d'un Condamme
ISBN: 9789750739163Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

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About the Author

Victor Hugo
Victor HugoYazar · 87 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Victor Hugo was born on February 26, 1802 in France. After graduating from high school, he devoted himself entirely to literature. In 1824, he founded the magazine La Muse Française, the publication of the French romantics. He became a member of and focal point of the exuberant circle of artists called the Cenacle. It experienced one of its most productive periods between 1830 and 1843. He ran from success to success with his novels, plays and poems. In 1831 he published his major novel, Notre Dame de Paris (Notredame Church of Paris). He was elected a member of the French Academy in 1841. After his beloved daughter Leopoldine accidentally drowned in 1843, he did not produce any new works until 1852. He was elected as a member of parliament after the 1848 Revolutions. 3. He tried to prevent Napoleon's coup d'état, but when he failed, he had to flee to Belgium in 1851. As an ardent supporter of democracy and republic, he wrote works criticizing the imperial regime. He spent 1855-1870 on the small British island of Guernsey. That period was the most productive years of his writing. In 1862, he published his masterpiece, the novel Les Misérables. This was followed by important novels such as Les Travailleurs de la Mer (The Sea Workers) in 1866 and L'Homme qui Rit (The Laughing Man) in the same year. When the Republic was re-established in France, he returned to Paris. He was elected to the National Assembly. He was now one of the most popular people in France. After the Paris Commune was crushed, he tried hard to spare the communards, but to no avail. He gradually withdrew from political and social life. On his death bed in 1885; "I believe in God, I believe in the afterlife; But I don't want any church priest over me. I am waiting for the heartfelt prayers of all the people of the world who love me. This is enough for me." He passed away on May 22, 1885.