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All the darkness of the universe cannot dull even the light of a single candle.
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" No matter how successful and important a person is, it is impossible for a person to present himself as he is in front of the public. I think almost everyone puts the mirror in front of them and starts to pull themselves together when they meet others. Because, there is no doubt that there is an experienced hawker's cunning in all of us. When we present ourselves to the market, we try to put the flashy façades in front and hide the crude and bruised ones behind them. The product of such an attempt is more of a hoax than a 'life story'. praiseworthy" similar. Moreover, there are tricks that your memory will play on us without us being aware of it. It cannot be said that our experiences are lined up on the shelves of memory, without any change, waiting for an invitation from consciousness to come to the fore. Our memory is very adept at playing various games on the aspects of them that are painful, unpleasant and not useful to us. His skill is to clean them as if he were sorting rice and stuff them into invisible parts of his subconscious. It is his duty to take a brush and a hammer to repair and whitewash the rotten and crooked parts of our memories and make them attractive... That's why what we remember takes the form of what we wish we had experienced, rather than what we actually experienced. "
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A dark sadness slowly began to seep into the dimness of my interior, through the cracks surrounding it.
İktidar tahtına bir kez oturan politikacıyı, kısa sürede kendi dışında doğru ve iyiyi bilen olmadığına inandıran nedir?
Sayfa 296Kitabı okudu
Nedense insan akşamı bulmadan öğlen ne yediğini unutur da, yıllar öncesi yaşanan bazı anılar renk ve canlılıklarından fazla bir şey kaybetmez.
100 öğeden 11 ile 20 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.