Black Beauty

Anna Sewell

Sayfa Sayısına Göre Black Beauty Sözleri ve Alıntıları

Sayfa Sayısına Göre Black Beauty sözleri ve alıntılarını, sayfa sayısına göre Black Beauty kitap alıntılarını, etkileyici sözleri 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
“ Do your best wherever it is and keep up your good name.”
Sayfa 14 - Sis Publishing / First Edition October 2013
I often wondered why Sir Oliver, the oldest horse in the stable, had so short a tail-only about twenty centimeters long-and one day I asked him, “Did you have an accident?” “It was no accident” he said, angrily. “My long and beautiful tail was cut off when I was a young horse. At that time, some owners thought it was fashionable!” “How terrible!” I said. “Yes, terrible and cruel,” said Sir Oliver. “Now I can never brush the flies off my sides or back legs, and all because of fashion. Some owners cut off the tails of their dogs to make them look brave, or cut their pretty little ears to make them look fashionable. They don’t cut off the ends of their children’s ears, do they? Why do they think it’s all right to do these things to their animals?”
Sayfa 18
Siyah İnci
"Tanrı insanlara bazı şeyleri keşfetmeleri için akıl verdiyse, hayvanlara da bazı şeyleri insanlardan daha çabuk ve daha kesin biçimde anlamaları için sezgi vermiş."
Sayfa 32 - Beyaz Balina YayinlariKitabı okudu
“ I felt that I began to get old. Since it became harder for me to wake up in the mornings and go to work. The old ages were not far away. Time was flying.”
Sayfa 45 - Sis Publishing / First Edition October 2013
“ Do you know why this world is bad as it is? No, said other. Then I will tell you. It’s because people think only about their own business.”
Sayfa 49 - Sis Publishing / First Edition October 2013
İyi anımsayabildiğim ilk yer, içinde küçük, duru bir göl bulunan güzel, geniş bir otlaktı. Gölge yapan ağaçların, üzerine eğildiği gölcüğün derin kısmında sazlar ve nilüferler yetişirdi.
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