Black Swans: Stories

Eve Babitz

Black Swans: Stories Sözleri ve Alıntıları

Black Swans: Stories sözleri ve alıntılarını, Black Swans: Stories kitap alıntılarını, Black Swans: Stories en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
" ... actual humanity triumphed over rage and hatred, something we hardly imagine in our wildest hopes. "
Sayfa 28 - COUNTERPOINTKitabı okudu
" It’s amazing that the people you really love in your life are the ones who connect you with other people you really love. "
Sayfa 133 - COUNTERPOINTKitabı okudu
" ... by then I was already used to a life of having to be satisfied with knowing that sometimes, no matter what you did, the rug was going to be pulled from under you ... "
Sayfa 85 - COUNTERPOINTKitabı okudu
" ... beauty without a whisper of fading, sagging, or wrinkling, although real girls do age, of course, no matter how self-enchanted they are. And age is disaster. "
Sayfa 56 - COUNTERPOINTKitabı okudu
" ... because things like jealous obsession, if you don’t give in to them, if you try not to give in to them and succeed even a little bit, well, sooner or later you begin succeeding more and more, and what takes their place is self-esteem. "
Sayfa 29 - COUNTERPOINTKitabı okudu
" Sometimes I think that jealousy, like skiing, is only for those with enough youthful stamina and energy to endure it. As people get older, they finally give jealousy up, or at least they put it off for as long as possible until there’s such incontrovertible evidence ... that there’s nothing to do but rise above it or succumb. "
Sayfa 28 - COUNTERPOINTKitabı okudu
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