
Roald Dahl

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"Don't interrupt," she said. "Just take it all in. The second thing to remember is that a REAL WITCH is always bald."
"In the first place," she said, "a REAL WITCH is certain always to be wearing gloves when you meet her."
"You must listen to me," my grandmother said. "You must remember everything I tell you. After that, all you can do is cross your heart and pray to heaven and hope for the best."
A REAL WITCH gets the same pleasure from squel ching a child as you get from eating a plateful of strawberries and thick cream.
A REAL WITCH hates children with a red-hot sizz ling hatred that is more sizzling and red-hot than any hatred you could possibly imagine.
REAL WITCHES dress in ordinary clothes and look very much like ordinary women. They live in ordinary houses and they work in ORDINARY JOBS.
The most important thing you should know about REAL WITCHES is this. Listen very carefully. Never forget what is coming next.
In fairy-tales, witches always wear silly black hats and black cloaks, and they ride on broomsticks. But this is not a fairy-tale. This is about REAL WITCHES.
"One child a week is fifty-two a year. Squish them and squiggle them and make them disappear." That is the motto of all witches.
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