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Beautiful and confident, Safir tells the story of her life in the harem of an Arab sheikh, shamelessly and without skipping any detail. She writes down her desires, thoughts, fears and the secrets of the sheikh's exotic love life in her diary with all honesty and shamelessness. "A man could experience passion without love, but never a woman. I wanted him so badly to really know me, love me, and tell me he loved me!"
456 syf.
3/10 puan verdi
Read in 6 days
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While reading, I once again felt grateful that we live in a time when women are free. Throughout the book, I witnessed how women were humiliated, left helpless and seen as property. Although the 1800s are mentioned, we see that the Arab nation still has not made much progress in terms of civilization and does not value women. According to the conditions and customs of that time, the character of Ali in the book is a character with a broad horizon and a tendency to improve himself. While some things were appreciated, some made me wonder if the same mentality still persists. The character of Sapphire was a variable one. Frankly, I was expecting a lot of intrigue and jealousy in the harem after our Hürrem Sultan. On the contrary, all these women were getting along very well, even though they adopted only one man. It's such an impossible thing, isn't it :) The book has very +18 content. It is astonishing that there was so much perversion in those times. Since it was written like a diary, I didn't get bored while reading it chapter by chapter and just went with the flow. Those who want to read something different should read it. But I cannot recommend it to those who say their time is valuable...
CariyeMariyah Saalih · Epsilon Yayınları · 201425 okunma
456 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
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It is a difficult book to review. The narration is amazing, I literally got lost in the pages. The author describes in all its nakedness the women of the period who struggled to survive under various tortures and torments, as well as being a woman and being humiliated. And despite all these negativities, he told in his own words the diary of Marie, who joined the harem voluntarily. I read it with both surprise and sadness. Harem culture, slavery and the perversion it brings are chilling. Even though it is described as a different mentality that is open to modernization, "Owner" Proof of how awful Middle Eastern culture is. I recommend you read it.
CariyeMariyah Saalih · Epsilon Yayınları · 201425 okunma
Olacakların kaçınılmazlığı karşısında gevşemiştim, hiç bir şeyi değiştirecek gücüm yoktu.
Sayfa 395
Kıskançlık duygusu Şakayık ve Sabire'ye duyduğum sevginin önüne geçemezdi asla, onları çok seviyordum ve bunda samimiydim ama varlıkları çaresizliğimi hatırlatıyordu.
Sayfa 318
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Just as being merciful is considered weakness and cruelty is considered strength.
Sayfa 137 - epsilon