Cennet Çayırları

John Steinbeck

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Cennet Çayırları
Cennet Çayırları
John Steinbeck
John Steinbeck
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
This year was my most productive year in terms of reading books. It was a year in which I read most of my books that had been waiting in a corner for a long time, and was introduced to new authors and new works. Since I participated in 1000k this year, I also added the books I read before. I have completed my goal of 100 books this year. 1.
Cennet Çayırı
Cennet Çayırı
okumaktan zevk aldığım, sindire sindire okuduğum bir kitap oldu. Bu yazar taşrayı anlatmayı seviyor ben de okumayı. 💌