
Çileli Yol

Hermann Hesse

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Siddhartha is a book by Hermann Hesse published in 1922. It is also the author's best-known work, bringing him worldwide fame. ————— SURPRISE BREAKER —————- THE BOOK'S SUBJECT Siddhartha is the child of a wealthy and prestigious Brahmin family. His family wants him to become a great sage and religious man. But he is an ardent seeker of truth; His passion for knowledge causes him to doubt all teachings and therefore to leave his father's house. They set off with his childhood friend Govinda. This quest of Siddhartha is an ordeal. The two friends fast, beg, sleepless and shelterless, yet they continue on their way. They try to discipline their ego. After a while, Siddhartha and Govinda part ways. Siddhartha continues his own journey. This journey is also internal. While Siddhartha searches for the truth, he begins to discover himself... ————- SURPRISE END ————— MY BOOK REVIEW I think the book has semi-autobiographical features. Hermann Hesse had conflicts of opinion with his father in his youth. He left his hometown and tried to get to know different countries and cultures. Siddhartha appears to be a book built on the philosophy of Buddhism, and it contains common values ​​from eastern and western cultures. I must say you blended it all beautifully. I was expecting a static book. I was positively surprised. The book has a tempo that draws you in from the first page and does not slow down. A very engaging and enjoyable book. It is both a travel novel and a personal development guide. I think it is a work that all types of readers can enjoy and should read. I definitely recommend it.
Çileli Yol
Çileli YolHermann Hesse · Ötüken Yayınları · 197338.2k okunma
Âşıklar seviştikten sonra tam anlamıyla teslim olmuş ve tam anlamıyla teslim almış olmalı, ayrılırken birbirlerine hayranlık duymalı, doymuşluk veya terkedilmişlik duygusuna veya kullanılmışlık gibi iğrenç duygulara kapılmamalıydı…
Sayfa 66 - Ötüken Yayınları
Dünyada en önemli şey sevgidir.
Sayfa 139 - Ötüken Yayınları
İnsan, kaynağını kendi içinde bulmalı, ona sahip olmalıydı. Bunun dışında her şey boşuna bir arama, yanlış yola sapma ve hata idi.
Sayfa 11 - Ötüken Yayınları
İbadet etmeden önce yıkanmak iyi bir şeydi ama nihayet suydu yıkayan, günahları silip süpüremezdi, ruhun huzursuzluğunu gideremez, huzursuz kalpleri ferahlatamazdı.
Sayfa 9 - Ötüken Yayınları
Yazı yazmak iyidir ama düşünmek daha iyidir. Zeki olmak iyi ama sabretmek daha iyidir.
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