Civilization and Its Discontents

Sigmund Freud

Sözler ve Alıntılar

Tümünü Gör
Acıya karşı hiçbir zaman sevdiğimiz zamanki kadar korumasız olmayız ; Hiçbir zaman da sevdiğimiz şeyi veya sevgiyi kaybettiğimiz zaman ki kadar çaresizce mutsuz olmayız.
Wer Wissenschaft und Kunst besitzt, hat auch Religion; Wer jene beiden nicht besitzt, der habe Religion! (Whoever possesses science and art also has religion; whoever possesses neither of these, let him have religion!)
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Unhappiness (Mutsuzluk)
Unhappiness is much less difficult to experience. Suffering threats us from three sides: from our own body, which being doomed to decay and dissolution, cannot dispense with pain and anxiety as warning signals; from the external world, which can unleash overwhelming, implacable, destructive forces against us; and finally from our relations with others. The suffering that arises from this last source perhaps causes us more pain than any other. Mutsuz olmak çok daha kolaydır. Acılarımızın üç temel kaynağı vardır: çürümeye ve zevk almaya mahkum, tehlikeli durumlarda acıdan ve endişeden bağımsız olamayan kendi vücutlarımız; bizi hedef alan boğucu, bitmeyen, yıkıcı güçleri barındıran dış dünya ve son olarak diğer insanlarla olan ilişkilerimiz.. İlişkiler bize olasılıkla en çok acı verendir.
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We will not forget that the present-man does not feel happy in his Godlike character.
Sayfa 45
Long ago he formed an ideal conception of omnipotence and omniscience which he embodied in his gods. To these gods he attributed everything that seemed unattainable to his wishes, or that was forbidden to him. One may say, therefore, that these gods were cultural ideals. Today he has come very close to the attainment of this ideal, he has almost become a god himself. Man, as it were, has become a kind of prosthetic God.
Sayfa 44
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