Çoğunluk Dersleri

Zeynep Uzunbay

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“ Hayır!” diyor anne. Derenin en sessiz şırıltısına taş atmış, uyuyan kuşları uyandırmış gibi bir ” hayır!”
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Unfortunately, when I don't spend my time on good books, I feel like an empty person. It's one of those books that I bought trusting the name of Sel Publications, but it turned out to be a waste. I couldn't figure out the subject until I reached page 83, the sentences were 4 words + full stop or 2 words + full stop. I mean, apart from the norm, I say it is original and I try hard to read it, but it took me two days to get to 83 pages. Then, you are a female writer, you should have been a defender of women's rights and relied more on literary literature, but you wrote things like (Girls without pink nipples are ugly, those with big breasts are ugly). Especially from the very beginning of the page, there are so many swear words such as (ass-head, dick-head, my ass); I read every three sentences (ass-head). I don't know whether you put out such a ridiculous book to corrupt people's language or their minds. You are a woman, a woman's limb; You have more than men have in their mouths. I mean, if a man writes (she had beautiful breasts) in books, you will find it perverted, but when you write it, it will become literature - for me, there is no such world, I will give your book to secondhand booksellers and trade it, or if there is someone who wants to read it, I will give it to him, if I fail in both, I will throw it away and in the next 20 years it will be yours. Even if the whole of Turkey recommended a book bearing your name, I would still not read it. This is nonsense, nonsense woman!
Çoğunluk Dersleri
Çoğunluk DersleriZeynep Uzunbay · Sel Yayıncılık · 201930 okunma
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