5 Kitap Takım

Davet Seti

Faruk Hamza


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Kitap okuma 35
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Book name: Jihad of the Caller - Faruk Hamza Reader: Ramazan Casuk Reading date: April 26, 2020 (finished in half a day) Number of pages: 149 Book topic: In the book he writes; It provides information in a broad perspective about a Muslim caller's property, life, soul and most importantly, the great Jihad in the way of Allah. In this book compiled in the light of verses and hadiths, the author has made good explanations on the virtue and necessity of Jihad. In addition, the author, who emphasizes the need to experience and popularize jihad in all kinds of conditions and environments, to prepare the ground for jihad and strengthen it, to persevere in jihad with great determination and determination, has opened a long paragraph on the phenomenon of Martyrdom, which is identified with jihad. “With jihad, there is life, glory and honor, and salvation in this world and the hereafter. "There is disgrace, disgrace and a despicable life in abandoning jihad," said the author, adding that, as a society, we are very backward and very lifeless in terms of jihad and martyrdom. He states that Muslims, who are callers of Islam, must make great efforts to revive these essential elements and raise the desires and desires of Muslims to the highest level in these matters. In the last part of the book, the state of hypocrites, their actions, their characteristics, and the hadiths and attitudes of our Prophet regarding hypocrites are mentioned. It is emphasized that hypocrites should be expelled where it is understood that they are causing great harm to Islam, and that they should be put in their place in a language they understand.
Davet Seti
Davet Seti
Kitap Okuma 31
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Book Name: Preparation for the Invitation - Faruk Hamza Reader: Ramazan Casuk Reading Date: April 22, 2020 (finished in one day) Number of pages: 102 Book topic: As the name of the book suggests, it explains what a Muslim should do in preparation for the invitation, how he should prepare, and what methods he should use. He talks about the warning signs that every Believer who claims to be a Muslim and truly believes, who hopes to live a life full of dignity and honor in this world and to be hosted in the Firdevs Paradise in the afterlife, and who expects grace and favor from his Lord, should pay attention to. The author, who tries to explain the situation our people have been brought to, also tries to declare at what point and stage they are in the invitation, as Muslims and inviters. It reminds us that the Muslim preacher must be more active, dynamic, energetic and alert in the face of all negative scenes.
Davet Seti
Davet Seti
Kitap okuma 32
Kitap adı: Davetçi ve İslami Eğitimi - Faruk Hamza Okuyan: Ramazan Casuk Okuma Tarihi: 23 Nisan 2020 (Bir günde bitirildi) Sayfa Sayısı: 102 Kitap Konusu: İslam ile gerçek bir hayatı yaşamak isteyenlerin, yapması gereken sorumlulukları ve sıkıntılar, başlarına gelecek bela ve musibetleri hatırlatma, bu işin zahmet ve sıkıntılarına katlanamayıp da firar eden, sağa-sola savrulan ve ihanetlere yeltenenlerin nasıl bir helakle karşılaşacaklarını, dünya ve ahiretteki felaketlerini hatırlama ve bu konuda uyarıda bulunma adına yazılmış bir kitaptır. Bir davetçinin eğitim modeli konusunda, Peygamber Efendimizin örnek hayatını iyice okuyup anlamasını, hayatına tatbik ettikten sonra onun öğretileri doğrultusunda insanlara tebliğde bulunmasının doğru olacağını ifade ediliyor kitapta. Eğitimsiz bir davetçinin, insanlara verebileceği bir şeyin olamayacağını, insanların dertlerine derman olunamayacağını, dünya ve ahiretlerinin kurtuluşuna katkı sağlamayacağını, bundan dolayı daha faydalı bir davetçi olunması için İslami eğitimden geçip heybesini ilim ile doldurması gerektiğinden bahsediyor yazar.
Davet Seti
Davet Seti
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