Deniz Gücünün Tarih Üzerine Etkisi

Alfred Thayer Mahan

Sözler ve Alıntılar

Tümünü Gör
İt is s naval history of England's rise during those early years when it net snd overcame the challenges of Holland, France and Spain by the correct ise of the immutable principles of naval strategy.
American Century SeriesKitabı yarım bıraktı
Today, of course, Seapower iş conjoined with air power and the greater mobility of land warfare has made land bases more vulnerable.
American Century SeriesKitabı yarım bıraktı
... the study of sea history of the past will be found instructive, by its illustration of the general principles of maritime var, notwitstanding the great changes that have been brouht about in naval weapons by the scientific advances of the past half century, and by the introduction of steam as the motive power.
Sayfa 2 - American Century SeriesKitabı yarım bıraktı
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