Deniz Kurdu

Jack London

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Deniz Kurdu
• Spoiler! Hepimize bir Ghost lazım! Şöyle bizi ayağa dikecek, konfor alanımızdan çıkaracak ve yaşamın farkına varmamızı sağlayacak bir hayalet gemi.. Bir düşünün 35 yaşındasınız, hayatınız boyunca sorumluluk almanız gerekmedi, tüm hayatınız kitaplar, kitaplar ve kitaplar.. Evet, aslına bakarsanız şu an hayatımızın çoğunu kitaplar kaplıyor ve
Deniz Kurdu
Deniz KurduJack London · İlya Yayınevi · 20186k okunma
376 syf.
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Ekmek mayası gibi...
Jack London
Jack London
' un bende bağımlılık yapan bir etkisi var. Yoksa bir bende mi böyle oldu, bilmiyorum. Denizcilik geçmişi olan yazarın eserlerinde de denizcilik, okura yaşatılıyor haliyle. Kitaplarında anladığım kadarıyla kendinden de bir parça koyuyor. Gerçi Martin Eden bir çeşit biyografi sayılıyorsa da bu eserimizdeki Japonya açıklarında ki fok avı
Deniz Kurdu
Deniz KurduJack London · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20146k okunma
376 syf.
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Spoiler yoktur, içiniz rahat okuyabilirsiniz. Gerek kitabı okumadan önce, gerekse okurken kitapla ilgili okuduğum bazı şeylere değinmek istiyorum öncelikle. Bu kitabın hakkını vermeliyiz arkadaşlar. Bu kitabı okumalıyız, bilmeliyiz. Ben okuduğum çoğu yorumda denizcilikle ilgili terimlerin bolca kitapta olduğunu ve bu nedene bağlı olarak sıkıcı
Deniz Kurdu
Deniz KurduJack London · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20146k okunma
376 syf.
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This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Jack London's Sea Wolf The language of the book is very clear and fluent, and may even give us a little sea adventure. In fact, while reading, you dive into the adventure and watch the events as a third eye. You are also on that ship in the middle of the ocean. Humphrey Van Weyden, the main character in the book, is a person who does not touch cold water from hot water throughout his life, who has everything done by someone else, who cannot survive alone and lives on his father's money. It begins with the rescue of a ship named Captain. Wolf Larsen, the captain of the ship, is a ruthless, cruel Marxist intellectual who always earns his own living and knows how to fight against the cruel conditions of life. The conflict between a humanist gentleman on one side and a captain who has experienced the cruel reality of life on the other is beautifully reflected in the book. A book that adventure lovers will read breathlessly. The difficulties experienced by our main character, the life experiences he gained, and his determination show me that this is a book worth reading. After all, we are all human and anything can happen to us. The important thing in life is not to pray but to struggle. It's not about standing still, it's about getting used to the story line we live in and keeping up with the change. You shouldn't be pushed out of the wheel After reading the book, I reviewed the book again on the internet and I liked this sentence very much. However, on the ship he is on, justice is provided by execution, and the issues are determined by the conditions of the seas and oceans. Good reading.
Deniz Kurdu
Deniz KurduJack London · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20146k okunma
414 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 4 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
First of all, while reading this book, you will not only find a topic, believe me, it will add a lot to you and you will learn a lot of new things. The conversations between Kurt Larsen and Van Weyden - with Maud joining in later - will provide good examples of existentialism and materialism. Ask yourself the same questions while reading the book. In the hustle and bustle of the day, we may not find time for such questions or questioning ourselves. It is both an intellectual work and a delicious plot. It's like Van Weyden is your best friend and he's telling you what he's been through after everything that's happened. Great great great...
Deniz Kurdu
Deniz KurduJack London · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20146k okunma
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