Die Liebhaberinnen

Elfriede Jelinek

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8Out of 10
213 People · 74 Review
192 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 7 days
“Kaderi olan biri varsa o bir erkektir. Kendisine kader tayin edilen biri varsa o bir kadındır.” Nobel Komitesi üyesinin “Neşesiz bir kamu pornografisi”, “sanatsal bir yapı olmadan bir araya getirilmiş metinler yığını” eleştirileriyle istifa etmesine neden olan kitap. Sonra okuyanların da..ayrıksı..argo..kışkırtıcı..sert..rahatsız edici..bla
Aşık Kadınlar
Aşık KadınlarElfriede Jelinek · İthaki Yayınları · 2021553 okunma
192 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 34 hours
Çivili Sandalye
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The story of women who try to exist within the patriarchal system and disappear as they work #lovewomen Jelinek is not just a criticism of patriarchy and capitalism, she targets women's values ​​and dreams. He explains the reasons behind the love we consider sacred, the norms that the masculine mentality has imposed under the name of value and that makes women a cog in the system, using the word 'hate' 59 times. . I say "notifies" because Jelinek's style is different, he is distant and harsh towards his characters, and his attitude towards the reader is also in this direction. He occasionally reminds the reader that he is reading a novel that is not written in the patterns glorified by the system. And Women in Love was described as 'a Marxist feminist caricature of a hometown novel'. . Jelinek, who received the Nobel Prize in literature in 2004, is an outlier, and his award caused controversy, and a jury resigned. . There is a detailed preface about Jelinek and his style, written by his translator @anilalacaoglu - without spoilers - that prepares the reader for the text. . If you are looking for a warm story that will warm your heart, definitely stay away from this book. Jelinek will touch your nerve endings with his harsh, critical and ironic narrative, as @anilalacaoglu said. It was an extraordinary book in every aspect, it should be read, I loved it.
Aşık Kadınlar
Aşık KadınlarElfriede Jelinek · İthaki Yayınları · 2021553 okunma
192 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 29 hours
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It was a strange book, I didn't know how to describe it. Normally, I get attached to characters in books, but even though there was no character that I could connect with in this book, I loved the book. When I had to put it down, my mind was always on the book. It is very different from the texts we are used to. The author wrote it from beginning to end to criticize. Capitalist order, patriarchal societies, The prices women pay while trying to gain a place in the world of men... It's irony from start to finish, its language is very sharp, its tone is very harsh, but everything it says is true. It is not a warm narrative, but it is a powerful narrative that grips you in a strange way. He did not weigh any of his words, it is very simple and clear. I agree with every line. The author conveyed his thoughts through Brigitte and Paulina, two women, two stories... (Don't forget to make the characters count, too. It is a very powerful text that turns the reader upside down on many issues such as love, marriage, sexuality, and the place of women in society. I admired the author's mind, ideas, and expression. By the way, he won the Nobel Prize in 2004. But it is not such a cute text. It hits people like a slap in the face, and the hardest.
Aşık Kadınlar
Aşık KadınlarElfriede Jelinek · İthaki Yayınları · 2021553 okunma
192 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 3 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
I can say that it was the most impressive book among the books I have read so far. I had goosebumps due to both the writing language and the subject. I read with curiosity the book of this author, who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2004. Even though he received a lot of criticism because of the subject he wrote at that time, I think he has an incredible writing style. When I first started the book, it was a little difficult for me to get used to this writing language. The author does not use capital letters throughout the book. He wanted us to notice something, as if he were disgusted, as if he were crushing the sentences, as if he was disgusted with what he wrote. He wrote the words he despised and disgusted in all capital letters. In fact, the author has told us a lot of things, for those who understand. I had a hard time reading the book. I constantly had to take breaks. I couldn't digest some things, I couldn't stand having some facts told to my face so bluntly and easily, and I was actually very angry at how right he was. With the long but very simple lives of the characters Paule and Brigitte, the author tells us about the place of women in society (a place that actually does not exist at all). I think it's a book that everyone should read, but not everyone will like. It was incredibly successful.
Aşık Kadınlar
Aşık KadınlarElfriede Jelinek · İthaki Yayınları · 2021553 okunma
192 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 3 days
Aşk Dedikleri Şey
Brigitte ve Paula gibi kadınlar mücadele eder.Susi mücadele etmek için fazla kadındır. Brigetta şehirde Paula ise taşra da tek başlarına hayatta mücadele eden iki apayrı kadındır.İkisinin de tek ortak paydası olması terzi olmalarıdır. Heinz Brigetta' ı kendi hayvansı istek ve arzuları ile oyuncağı eder.Brigetta'nın Heinz'e katlanmak zorunda olmasının tek sebebi geleceğini artık parça başına südyen dikerek değil de çocuklarını büyüterek geçirmek ve gelecek kaygısı duymama istediğidir. Paula ise ormancı bir koca yerine şehir hayatında tutunmak için terzi olur.Ama yine kader dönüp dolaşıp istemediği şeyleri ister bulur kendini. "Yolunu sen tasarlama, adımlarını da Tanrı yönlendirmesin,bırak başkaları tasarlasın ama adımlarını sen yönlendir."{Kitab-ı Mukaddes Süleyman Özdeyişlerine itafen (deforme edilerek)}
Aşık Kadınlar
Aşık KadınlarElfriede Jelinek · İthaki Yayınları · 2021553 okunma
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