
Franz Kafka

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74 syf.
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It is a wonderful book that explains the relationship between man and life using metaphors. It describes how we look at the world like an insect from a dark room. It is a beautiful fiction in which you will find similarities between you and an insect while reading it. Sometimes we just watch life like an outcast insect. He is trying to show us that we need to get out of our dark room as soon as possible and show that we are not just an observer. When we consider the situation a little more concretely, we see how they exclude us one day when we become unable to do business or when we are no longer useful to people. Or from another perspective, when we need someone, we see the effort we make to avoid being crushed under their feet. I liked it very much. I recommend that you read it too.
DönüşümFranz Kafka · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022225.5k okunma
80 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
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Hayat Bir Afyondur
"Gregor Samsa bir sabah huzursuz düşlerinden uyandığında kendini yatağında kocaman bir böceğe dönüşmüş buldu." Franz Kafka'nın en çok okunan eseri Dönüşüm, bu, son derece etkili cümle ile başlar. Kitap reyonlarında, Dönüşüm'ün ününden bihaber dolaşan bir okur, eminim onu eline alıp bu cümleyi okuduğunda şaşıracak ve bu hikayenin devamını
DönüşümFranz Kafka · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022225.5k okunma
80 syf.
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Read in 4 days
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Actually, this book was not among the books I wanted to read. I saw that it was cheap and thin in the bookstore, and I bought it because I knew it was widely read. I didn't want to read this book because I hate cockroaches, but I bought it so I read it. I felt sick while reading it. I started seeing giant cockroaches before my eyes. It was very realistic... I was surprised how a writer could put himself in the shoes of an insect so well. The book cover and book title can only describe this beautiful book. "Human turning into an insect" Everyone knows at least this much about this book, but when you read it, you see that the situation is different. Some families and individuals make people feel like they are an insect. I wonder if the people who are actually insects are the ones who make you feel this feeling? If a person doesn't get respect from his closest family, doesn't he feel like a worthless insect? How would you feel when you are very sick and you cannot do the only positive thing you do, the job that makes you feel good, even if your job is simple, and your manager does not believe in a hard-working, honest person like you? How will you feel the emotions of the lines you read in this book? You will read the painful story of a devastated young man, Gregor Samsa. Be sure to read it, even if you disgust insects...
DönüşümFranz Kafka · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022225.5k okunma
74 syf.
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Masterpiece, magnificent, extraordinary Imagine waking up in bed one morning and finding yourself transformed into an insect. Family members who do not know how to treat you... the disappearance of human will and freedom day by day... Kafka actually told us a lot for those who can understand.
DönüşümFranz Kafka · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022225.5k okunma
74 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
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bana en çok insanın yalnızlığını, yabancılaşmasını, kendini ifade edememesini ve zamanla nasıl bir çok şeyin yozlaşmaya başladığını anlattı. Herkesin okumasada mutlaka duyduğu gibi, "Gregor Samsa", bir sabah uyandığında kendini bir böceğe dönüşmüş olarak bulur. Bu durum, onun hayatını tamamen değiştirir ve ailesiyle arasındaki ilişkiyi derinlemesine koparır. Aslında
Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka
, gerçeküstü bir dünya ile beraber bir tür rüya dünyası sunar. Tekniğiyle sade ve nesnel bir dil kullanarak, gerçekliği yansıtmaktan çok her zaman yaptığı gibi onu yorumlamaya bırakır. Gregor'un ailesinin de ona karşı duyduğu çekinceler ve reddetme, insanın en temel duyguları olan sevgi ve bağlılıkla çelişir.
, aynı zamanda bir toplum eleştirisi de içermektedir. Roman, Gregor'un dönüşümü sonrasında nasıl dışlandığı ve toplumun onunla nasıl bir bağ kurmaktan kaçındığına dair derin bir eleştiri sunar. Bu eleştiri,
Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka
'nın kendi zamanındaki toplumsal yapıya ve insanların yabancılaşmasına dair kaygılarını yansıtır. Eğer bu kitabı tek bir cümle ile anlatmak isteseydim sanırım; "
", insanın kendisini anlama çabasını, gerçeküstü ve sıra dışı bir hikayeyle anlatarak okuyucuyu derin düşüncelere sürükleyen bir başyapıttır. Derdim.
DönüşümFranz Kafka · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022225.5k okunma
74 syf.
Not rated
Read in 7 days
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Our book tells the story of Gregor Samsa, a fabric marketer and breadwinner for his family, who one day wakes up from his sleep as an insect. But this is only the visible side of the story, because the book actually tells the story of a person who, despite turning into an insect due to social pressure, still thinks about his job, his family, and the future days, and because of these, he becomes too stupid to see the situation he is in. Gregor Samsa, whose relationship with his family has changed completely after his transformation into an insect, has the chance to observe very well how his family's attitude towards him has changed over time. While his family does not know how to behave towards him at first, they later accept his situation as normal and begin to not care about anything about him. After a while, they come to the point where they think about kicking them out of the house. Franz Kafka's "America" It is a book that I recommend you to read, as I think that this story, which he wrote during this troubled period when he was writing his novel, was a momentary distress and could not get out of bed for a while, adequately interprets his feelings.
DönüşümFranz Kafka · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022225.5k okunma
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