Dr. Stone #11

Dr. Stone, Vol. 11

Riichiro İnagaki

Yorumlar ve İncelemeler

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192 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
5/5 Stars (%89/100) The Kingdom of Science is getting advanced pretty quick thanks to Senku's immense knowledge. Now we have a restaurant (run by a chef named Francois), a clothing shop, money, a balloon, and many more useful things. Senku doing the Einstein pose for a camera was great. Also, we finally meet our main antagonist (well we only hear him say why over and over but you get the idea). Senku and others try to find the source of this message.
Dr. Stone, Vol. 11
Dr. Stone, Vol. 11Riichiro İnagaki · VIZ Media LLC · 202019 okunma
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