Dünya Tarihinin Perde Arkası

Turgut Gürsan

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7.7Out of 10
4 People · 2 Review
448 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Bildiğinizi sandığınız Dünya Tarihi!Aslında bilmediğiniz,bilmediğimiz o kadar çok şey var ki. Turgut GÜRSAN'ın bu kitabında Mitolojik Çağlardan,günümüze kadar gelen ve gelemeyen Gizli ve Ezoterik Örgütler masa üzerine geniş bir araştırma ile yatırılmış. Kitabın bir çok kısmında "Yok artık!","Hadi bee!" v.b. diyebileceğiniz
Dünya Tarihinin Perde Arkası
Dünya Tarihinin Perde ArkasıTurgut Gürsan · Bilge Karınca Yayınları · 200521 okunma
448 syf.
Not rated
Read in 22 hours
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This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
The so-called book is "behind the scenes of world history". Apart from a few facts, it contains thousands of lies. There are many claims without evidence or evidence. It is full of stupidity that has turned almost all truths into garbage. I think the intention of the person who wrote the book is obvious, distortion, pollution of information and even distorting religious books and the lives of the prophets. Even the fact that he calls Jesus a king, Prophet Moses, and David a pharaoh is enough to explain how full of nonsense the book is. In fact, it is beyond imagination that some races say that they are the result of the union of different living species from Mars and the human race (Peru refers to the Inca period). When you do research on the people and books he cited for this nonsense book, you can find more nonsense. He even attributes the parting of the Red Sea to a ridiculous person and legend. The essential primer for those who want to learn about the dark forces behind world history. I recommend
. There are many Turkish writers who have works on this subject,
Aytunç Altındal
Aytunç Altındal
is one of them. There's Google for better help...
Dünya Tarihinin Perde Arkası
Dünya Tarihinin Perde ArkasıTurgut Gürsan · Bilge Karınca Yayınları · 200521 okunma