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Eaters of the Dead

Michael Crichton

Eaters of the Dead Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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A Scientific view of an Arabic explorer in 900s
This is the belief of the North people, as Herger spoke it, and l do not know truth of the matter, and report only what was told to me.
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A wolf that lies in its lair never gets meat, or a sleeping man victory. [ Scandinavian Proverb ]
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Fox = changeable character
"He is fox." By this he meant that he was a slipper and changeable person of false demeanor, for the North people believe the fox is an animal that can assume any form of it pleases.
Legal Cannibalism
During the time Ibn Fadlan was in Scandinavia, other Arap traders were in China, where they recorded that human flesh - referred to as "two-legged mutton"- was openly and legally sold in markets.
The Northmen say, "Fear has a white mouth," and now l saw that this is true, for they were all pale around the lips and mouth. No man spoke of his fear.
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"Strictly speaking, no hypothesis or theory can ever be proven. It can only be disproven. When we say we believe a theory, what we really mean is that we are unable to show that the theory is wrong - not that we are able to show, beyond doubt, that the theory is right." [ Gerhard Robbins ]
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No man is so good as to be free from all evil, nor so bad as to be worth nothing.
"Animals die, friends die, and l shall die, but one thing never dies, and that is the reputation we leave behind at our death." [ a Northmen Proverb ]
A Sea Monster :)
... I watched the sea for many minutes and had no view of this sea monster, and l had no reason to believe what they said. Then one of their number shouted to Odin, a scream of prayer, repeating the name many times in supplication, and then I also saw with my own eyes the sea monster. It was in the shape of a giant snake that never raised its head above the surface, yet I saw its body curl and twist over, and it was very long, and wider than the Northmen's boat, and black in color. The sea monster spat water into the air, like a fountain, and then plunged down, raising a tail that was cleft in two, like the forked tongue of a snake. Yet it was enormous, each section of the tail being broader than the largest palm frond.