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Ekonominin Kısa Tarihi

Niall Kishtainy

Ekonominin Kısa Tarihi Gönderileri

Ekonominin Kısa Tarihi kitaplarını, Ekonominin Kısa Tarihi sözleri ve alıntılarını, Ekonominin Kısa Tarihi yazarlarını, Ekonominin Kısa Tarihi yorumları ve incelemelerini 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
İrlandiyanın dövlət xadimi və yazıçı Edmund Börk 1790-cı ildə yazırdı ki, "Cəngavərlik dövrü bitdi". "Dövr iqtisadçıların və kalkulyatorların dövrüdür, onlar istəklərinə çatdılar və Avropanın əzəməti əbədi söndürüldü".
Sayfa 38
Rikardonun dostları tez-tez onun mübahisələri qazanmaqda maraqlı olmadığını, məntiqindən, sadəcə, həqiqəti, hətta həqiqət onun maraqlarının ziddinə olsa da, aşkarlamaq üçün istifadə etdiyini deyirdilər.
Vergi yığma sənəti bir qazı mümkün qədər az çığırtmaqla, ən yüksək miqdarda tük yolmaqdır. - Jan Batist Kolber
İqtisadi azadlıq olmadan siyasi azadlıq mümkün deyil. Siyasi azadlıq olmadan insanlar sərbəst şəkildə düşünə bilməzlər.
We buy things not so much to satisfy our own desires as a completely rational person would, but in order to be approved of by others.
Economists also understood that a market can fail when it’s dominated by just a few firms or by a single firm (a monopoly). At the start of the twentieth century, a giant company, Standard Oil, controlled most of America’s oil market and the United States Steel Corporation controlled most of steel. Because a monopolist has no competitors it can choose how much to charge for its good: it has ‘market power’. The monopolist tends to push up the price to increase profits; the higher price means consumers buy less and so the firm produces less. This hurts society as a whole because consumers would like more and cheaper goods; however, the monopolist decides how much to produce only on the basis of its own profits. In a competitive market with lots of firms a greater amount of goods get made and sold at a lower price. This is why most economists think that competitive markets are better for society than monopolies.
The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to obtain the largest amount of feathers with the least possible amount of hissing.
380 syf.
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21 günde okudu
Where "Invisible hand" theory might have come from is here. "The prices calculated by officials from the comfort of their armchairs would always be completely unrealistic. Markets work when people know their money is at stake. Prices with real meaning come from the actions of businesspeople as they try to make a profit, not from economists fiddling with equations. Therefore, Mises said, capitalism is the only rational economic system."
A Little History of Economics
A Little History of EconomicsNiall Kishtainy · Yale University Press · 2017297 okunma
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