Ethical Hacking; Offensive&Defensive

Ömer Çıtak

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7.9Out of 10
12 People · 4 Review
256 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Ömer iyi bir çocuktu ama bir kusuru vardı...
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Our cyber security expert author has earned my respect with his social engineering tactics. I bought the book on recommendation and realized that it was full of spelling mistakes and inverted sentences. The author has murdered the Turkish language, if he saw it, it would start from 3 years, maybe 5, I don't know. Still, it's a solid book. He reinforced the topics with real-life events and enriched the narrative with metaphors. It exceeded my expectation. My points for you are 9 bro
Ömer Çıtak
Ömer Çıtak
Ethical Hacking; Offensive&Defensive
Ethical Hacking; Offensive&DefensiveÖmer Çıtak · Level Kitap Yayınları · 201635 okunma
256 syf.
Not rated
Read in 20 hours
Yapan herzaman bir açık kapı bırakır özeti budur Tavsiye ederim birşeyler öğrenirim diye alıp okumak isteyenler vardır elbet ama bu ürün öyle bişey değil
Ethical Hacking; Offensive&Defensive
Ethical Hacking; Offensive&DefensiveÖmer Çıtak · Level Kitap Yayınları · 201635 okunma
256 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Read in 34 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
I am sure that if you buy this book as a starter and assume that you will learn something, you will not understand anything. My intention is not to criticize the book, in fact, I understood the book easily since I am not a beginner in hacking, but as I said, beginners will not understand the logic in half of the book. However, it explains the topics determined for the career such as the CEH Certificate. That's good. So, you can keep this book with you as a source of information, just like an encyclopedia, when the time comes, you can open it and continue learning the subject you stopped at.
Ethical Hacking; Offensive&Defensive
Ethical Hacking; Offensive&DefensiveÖmer Çıtak · Level Kitap Yayınları · 201635 okunma
256 syf.
Not rated
Read in 219 days
Hacking yazılımdan zevklidir
Hacking konusunda ilk olarak bu kitaptan başlamak hata olur temel terimleri bilmek gerekir zaten piyasada başlangıç seviyesi olan çok kitap var. Siber güvenlikte bilinmesi gereken konulardaki kilit mevzulara anlaşılır bir şekilde dokunmuş ve anlatımını iyi bir şekilde yapmış Ömer Çıtak
Ethical Hacking; Offensive&Defensive
Ethical Hacking; Offensive&DefensiveÖmer Çıtak · Level Kitap Yayınları · 201635 okunma