Wayward Children #1

Every Heart a Doorway

Seanan McGuire

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Tümünü Gör
 “I never did like to leave a story unfinished.”
The mountain was as powerful as the tide, just … in a different way.
"See, that’s the other reason no one talks to you,” said Christopher. “You’re sort of mean, like, all the time. Even when you don’t have any real reason to be. You could just say ‘please.’” “Please can you hold her up without me for a second, so that we don’t knock over the jug of acid I was planning to use to dissolve her flesh,” said Jack.
"By now, some of you have doubtlessly heard that we have a new student with us. This is Nancy. She’ll be rooming with Sumi until one of them attempts to murder the other. If you’d like to place a bet on who kills who, please talk to Kade."
Miss WestKitabı okudu
There was something timeless about him, like he could have stepped out of a painting and into the material world. Then he spoke. “What’n the fuck are you doing in here again, Sumi?”
ksnnxöxixozmKitabı okudu
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