Ferrari'yi Çalan Fil

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Lucifer Effect - Lady Macbeth Effect - Screen Effect - Crowd Effect Audience Effect - Marching Car Effect - Hipster Effect - Boomerang Effect - Domino Effect - Contagion Effect - Backfire Effect - Dunning–Kruger Effect Placebo Effect - Barnum Effect - Bill Nighty Effect - Spotlight Effect Butterfly Effect - Lotusan Effect - Medici Effect - Oprah Effect - Angelina Jolie Effect We feel obliged to keep up with the majority, even if it is wrong. We do not make our own decisions, as we think. We are very afraid of being left out of the herd. We see something as abnormal just because it is different from us. Even if the situation is not pleasant at all, we get very uncomfortable when we cannot adapt to the environment. Diseases are not only specific to individuals, we can also get sick as a society. For years, we have believed misinformation deliberately spread by big companies. We are ignorant of ourselves, we all think we are above average. We believe in urban legends and conspiracy theories much more than we think. We say, "I won't be fooled," but it is very easy for our weaknesses to be exploited. We think we are in control, but that is not the case at all. We have learned helplessness and optimism that keep us where we are. Human beings are both very complex and very predictable. In that respect, it's not like you know. I wonder what influences humans are under, both in terms of group behavior and socially and individually? In this book, you will read how effects that you are not even aware of change your life...
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Estimated Reading Time: 8 hrs. 23 min.Page Number: 296Publication Date: October 2017Publisher: Hayy Kitap
ISBN: 978975247741-4Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

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296 syf.
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He couldn't get enough of elephant-themed books. "The book of influences for those who do not want to be influenced" I call these kinds of books psychological development, I don't know if it's true, but they are useful in this regard for me. I don't like reading personal development much, but psychological development What I liked about the book was that it seemed like there was a conversational atmosphere. Our author is a journalist anyway and he did it justice. There were many situations of influence described, and while these were explained, they were explained in a very simple language and very nice and high-quality examples were given. You can learn information in many social, political and medical fields. And there is the bibliography section, which is the most important for me. So, "You gave these examples, but where is the evidence?" It doesn't make people say. I read it with a notepad next to it, he recommended movies, TV series, books and articles. It was a very useful and rich read for me. In fact, I even bought a book mentioned in the first pages before this book was finished, and its review will come later (Spoiler: It's elephant-themed again). If you are interested in the field or want to make sense of some of the things you feel and think, you can look at this book. For example, I learned that I was in the "Bill Nighty Effect". Now those who read the book know what happened.
Ferrari'yi Çalan Fil
Ferrari'yi Çalan FilŞafak Altun · Hayy Kitap · 2017123 okunma
296 syf.
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Already on the cover is the question "Why do people do what they do?" he writes. The book is based on this. Psychological research results are always written. It seemed like a collected book to me. Have we read? We read... oh my goodness
Ferrari'yi Çalan Fil
Ferrari'yi Çalan FilŞafak Altun · Hayy Kitap · 2017123 okunma
296 syf.
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Yaşadığımız dönemde kafamızı kuma gömme lüksümüz yok, uyanık ve farkında atmalı adımları. Bu kitap algıların, insan beyninin kolaylıkla manipüle edilebileceğini gözler önüne seriyor. Yaşadığımız her olayı, farkında olmadan bir şeylerin etkisinde kalarak yaşıyormuşuz meğer... Kitaptaki araştırmaların bir kısmının, yüzeysel yapılmış olduğunu düşünsem de maruz kaldığımız etkilerin farkına varmak adına, kitabı herkese tavsiye ederim.
Ferrari'yi Çalan Fil
Ferrari'yi Çalan FilŞafak Altun · Hayy Kitap · 2017123 okunma
296 syf.
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Merhaba Yeni bir kitapla karşınızdayım Kitabın dili Kitap genel olarak bilimsel terimlerden uzak herkesin anlayabileceği sade,duru bir dile sahip Kitabın İçeriği Genel olarak kitap psikoloji üzerinde duruyor toplulukların,bireylerin davranışları ve bu davranışların nedenleri açıklıyor. Düşüncelerim Genel olarak insan psikolojisi üzerine olan kitaplara hep merak duymuşumdur. Bu kitapla birlikte birçok toplumsal ve bireysel davranışlarımızın nedeni öğrendim dilinin anlaşılır olması okumamı,anlamamı kolaylaştırdı. Ayrıca kitap içeriğinin anlaşılır olması akıcı bir okuma sağlıyor kitapta fazlaca ilginizi çekecek not alacak yer bulunuyor kalem ve defteri unutmayın yanınızda.
Ferrari'yi Çalan Fil
Ferrari'yi Çalan FilŞafak Altun · Hayy Kitap · 2017123 okunma
296 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 8 days
Kitabı içerik olarak zengin buldum,okuduklarınız hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek için insanı araştırmaya sürüklüyor. Nacizane fikrim, etkilenmeden okumanızı tavsiye ederim.
Ferrari'yi Çalan Fil
Ferrari'yi Çalan FilŞafak Altun · Hayy Kitap · 2017123 okunma
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