Figure Eight

Calia Read
0 Kişi
Dear Selah, Do you remember me? Of course you don’t. So I’m going to give you a refresher course. I’ve known you for years and years. We used to have beautiful conversations. There was no one that knew you better than me. We were handmade for each other. Lately, it’s become achingly obvious you’re miserable. You’ve moved back home to take care of your ailing mother. You’ve been looking for a new job, but that’s not going well. Admit it: it’s all too much. Everyone around you sees your suffering, but they’re not willing to help you. Everyone but Jackson. He comes into your life at the perfect moment and offers you everything you could want: a shoulder to lean on, love, and most importantly, hope. But there’s no one that can compare to me. You seem to forget that I’m your figure 8. Your infinity. You try to run, but I will always find you. Yours Truly, Figure 8
318 sayfa · İlk Yayın Tarihi: 10 Mart 2017

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Calia Read
Calia ReadYazar · 3 kitap
"Üniversite benim için çok stresliymiş gibi geldi. Dünyayı dolaşmak, evlenmek ve üç çocuğa sahip olmak çok daha rahatlatıcı görünüyordu." diyerek hayatını özetleyen yazar, kocası ve çocukları ile birlikte Texas'ta yaşamaktadır.
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