Fire Force #3

Fire Force, Vol. 3

Atsushi Ōkubo

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208 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
4/5 Stars (%79/100) It was a good volume in general. Shinra fights against Captain Hibana and it is one of the most important fights in the series. Meanwhile, members of the 8th and 5th continue to fight as well. We learn many things about human combustion from Hibana and 8th's mission becomes even clearer. With this, the second arc ends and the third arc regarding the investigation of 1st company begins. Though we meet a lot of new characters, Captain Burns is probably the most important and powerful among them. The problem related to pacing continues but it gets better and I can't recommend this series enough.
Fire Force, Vol. 3
Fire Force, Vol. 3Atsushi Ōkubo · Kodansha Comics · 201712 okunma
192 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Şinra ve prenses Hibana arasındaki kavganın sonucunda iki takım barışır. Alev insanlarının yapay bir şekilde oluşturulabileceğini öğrenen ekip bu işin birinci ekibin işi olduğundan şüphelenirler. Seri oldukça güzel aksiyonlu ve gizemli bir şekilde ilerliyor.
Alev Gücü Cilt 3
Alev Gücü Cilt 3Atsushi Ōkubo · Akılçelen Kitaplar · 202312 okunma