
First Person Singular

Haruki Murakami

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Lost in this incessant afternoon downpour a nameless ax decapitates the twilight
Bird is back. How fantastic that sounds! Yes indeed, the Bird you know and love has returned, his powerful wings beating the air. In every corner of this planet—from Novosibirsk to Timbuktu—people are going to gaze up in the sky, spy the shadow of that magnificent bird, and cheer. And the world will be filled once more with brilliant sunlight.
Artık onun varlığını benimkine bağlayan hiçbir şey yok. Sokakta birbirimizin yanından geçsek ya da bir restoranda yan yana otursak bile birbirimizi tanıyamayız.Hayatımızın çizgileri iki doğru çizginin kesişmesi gibi birbirlerini tek bir noktada kestikten sonra, birbirlerinden giderek uzaklaşarak kendi yollarına devam etmek üzere ayrılmışlardı.
Looking back on it, this music Bird played just for me in my dream felt less like a stream of sound than like a momentary, total irradiation. I can vividly remember the music being there. But I can’t reproduce it. With time, it’s faded away, like the inability to describe the design of a mandala. What I can say is that it was music that reached to the deep recesses of my soul, all the way down to the very core. I was certain that kind of music existed in the world—music that made you feel like something in the very structure of your body had been reconfigured, ever so slightly, now that you’d experienced it.
Whether you cut it off or someone else cuts it off if you put your neck on the stone pillow believe it—you will turn to dust
“Things like this happen sometimes in our lives,” I told him. “Inexplicable, illogical events that nevertheless are deeply disturbing. I guess we need to not think about them, just close our eyes and get through them. As if we were passing under a huge wave.”
My parents must have assumed that I was studying there. But, hey, that’s life. I found it a lot more enjoyable to read all of Balzac than to delve into the principles of calculus.
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